
Animated Model?
7 replies

Atm the link doesn't seem to be available any more...
But there was this guy, who (tried to) realized this feature.
He made an aggressive native, which attacks the player and so on... Atm you also should find it in the Extension Mod (unfortunately just in german yet).
I have a link in my signature - "s2ext v." -, where you could get this mod... (look somewhere in the units_ext.inf for "aggressive native" or something like that)

lint35 has written
I downloaded your s2ext v.0.2.04. and put the agressive native in the units.inf then opend the game, made map with them on then tried the map out then in a couple of seconds they all dissapear and text on the left side of the screen comes up and says "MAM MAM!!!". 

Well, your aren't supposed to tinker arround with the files.
You should reinstall S2Ext and start it with the included starter, then you can use the agressive native.

as long as you don't really understand how those things work, you shouldn't play around with it.