4 replies First off, I really like the idea behind this game, its great for me and my brother to play on the LAN.
But I have a couple of questions.
Does any one know where I can find some one to host a server? I can't play on these servers with 400ms pings.
And I read that you are not planning on trying to get this game on steam..why?
Yeah, people hate steam i know. But if you put this game on steam, millions of people would play it, not just this handful you have here. People would set up dedicated servers, with dedicated servers, you wouldnt get these stupidly high pings.
Small pings = More players.
You dont have to use steams server thing either, Xfire has its own server list for CS2D. if this game was steam compatible then it would mean you would have to pay for this game. If we have to pay for this game then people would rather buy the 3d cs instead of the 2d. The 2d cs is a free game is is meant to be that way and its hella fun.
actually just because your using steam servers it dosnt actually mean you wont have these stupidly high pings. It would be the same if we "Donated" some cash and DC sets up a dedicated linux server.
millions of people on a cs2d game like this wont be so bad but it would also mean more hackers something that is probably going to be avoided in cs2d max thanks to accounts. Lee Moderator
im not sure that steam wud want to advertise a "modded" version of one of their MOST popular game Some people want every game to be steam compatible...
From my point of view, that would not only look weird but... It will lead to the certain people who are gonna purchase the game, to go somewhere else.
PS. I used a translater, lol. The text might contain bad grammar since I used such a worthless translater. But I'm not sure, you are gonna be the judge of this.
DC Admin
omg... we had this before several time. I'm really getting sick of it.
probably more people will play cs2d
users are identifiable because of steam accounts however the new cs2d will have u.s.g.n. accounts which do the same job )
it will take longer to start (you have to start steam first and than the game itself)
you will have to install steam on the machine where you want to play. but one of the great benefits of cs2d is that you can run it everywhere without having to install it. you won't have this possibility with steam anymore.
a lot of people do not like steam or they do not want to install it. it also means a bigger download which is bad for people with a slow connection
I don't think that valve is going to support this at all. furthermore it costs money. they would either have to sell it or to add advertisments. would you seriously like this?
and please remember that steam will not have any effect on the pings! steam hosts the serverlist and the game files but it does not host the game servers. there is still no real dedicated server software for cs2d
its rather senseless to discuss this now. closed