Q about CS2D Menu
Q about CS2D Menu
7 replies Well Ive seen the video before but I was bored and (Im actually pretty stupid). I watched it with audio this time didnt know it had a song :P. Anyways to the point of this thread I was wondering if the New Menu was going to include a song? you know to entertain us for a bit.
P.S Was that not the song that was in the movie SAW II?
Please Excuse me for my Noobishness. mrc User
I believe the song is not of the game... he added in the movie... I dunno...
But thew music is very awsome!
Well, if you paid a bit closer attention, at the beginning of the video, it says it decent-sized print at the bottom music: Charlie Clouse - Hello Zepp (Saw OST). In case you can't figure it out, that means that the song playing in the background of the video is "Hello Zepp" by Charlie Clouse, from the Saw Original Soundtrack.
Hope that explains everything for you. DC Admin
yep. and of course it has just been added to the video because a video without any sound is a bit boring. the menu will not have any music. only sound effects when you click at stuff. the cs2d max menu looks nice but when cs2d max will be released? this summer maybe?
cmon DC.. DC Admin
I don't know and I cannot give any information on this. you dont know becouse you dont know how much time you will have day to day to work on it?
DC Admin
I don't know how much time and passion I will have per day and I cannot estimate how much time I will need at all. Furthermore I do not have a schedule so it is quite impossible to say when it will be released.