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English WAR Profession/Occupation

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Poll Poll

good idea

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old Poll WAR Profession/Occupation

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I Thought of this a little but it's a good idea and doesn't need much extra thinking. I came up with instead of picking a terrorist or CT why not do that then, demolition troop, infantry soldier, or stealth squadren. how will this work i thought of for example the demolition team to be like setting traps and stuff only not gay wont kill u instantly and setting them your gonna need stratagies for that. i thought of infantry soldiers not as a specail team like the S.E.A.L's or w/e but they would excel in certain areas of that task. so like shooting they won't be doing perfect it will just be like they get a heads up at hazards or location of the
enemy(s). the stealth squadren agian aren't like the S.E.A.L's cant be heard as good cause they walk like if u were pressing shift while playing cs2d. weaker caliber weaponry then the infantry soldeir and have silencers and what not. where will all these guns come from? easy just they won't be able to purchase in the shop.

old You have came 1 year too late!


Nice idea, brilliant although isn't this like the wrong time to put it?

Lol, correct me if I'm wrong this isn't really the time for a new mod?

And by the way, I had enough of mods for cs2d so I stick with the original.

old Re: WAR Profession/Occupation

Moderator Off Offline

ummm, i think we already had a topic about this, go see the one for TS, its about the same thing

old Re: WAR Profession/Occupation

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ya, i dont want to think of it as different things u do in the game i rather look at it like different feilds to specialize in. demolition stealth squadren infatry they're all just weapon and gameplay updates
Sniping and being a killing machine is all that people can get better at. only ur character is either a t or ct and has evenlly spread out skills and one that is a little better than all the others demolition stealth soldeir

old Re: WAR Profession/Occupation


yeah, this is a similar idea to the TF (team fortress) 2D, and someone may be making a mod for it, but i wouldnt count on DC supporting it since the 1st genereation of cs2d is basically abndoned to make way for cs2d max
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