i am not finish with CS2D platinium..
it maybye take some time..
couse i work on a more serious 3D game project...
World of Gangz no.. i cant tell when it comes The mappack link doesn't work.
Could you send alternative links? now I have fixed it..
but its for Counter-Strike Source Only for Css? aww.. Work 4 Cs2D please
OMG, this isn't 2d maps, it's for cs: source.
I didn't notice that since now. -.-
Why did you post cs: source maps.
Your making me mad, since I have always wanted to play cs: source. But I have not afford a better computer or a new internet connection. -.- KimKat has written
Why did you post cs: source maps.
This link is in his signature -.-
so don't spam about his mappack...back 2 topic...... I didn't notice that he had it in his signature. Lolz!
Admin/mod comment
never ever do such a smiley span again or you will be banned. no you have to do gun game first.my computer isnt very good and doesnt run css very well so i need the gun game madness for cs2d please finish gg first OT: GunGame is available for 1.6 too Oo of course it is.. i think that they got the idea from there
skiper has written
of course it is.. i think that they got the idea from there

? Gungame is old amxmodx plugin for cs 1.6 servers, it's older then CS2D Gold, so It can't be taket from CS2D projects... SlimDog has written
skiper has written
of course it is.. i think that they got the idea from there

? Gungame is old amxmodx plugin for cs 1.6 servers, it's older then CS2D Gold, so It can't be taket from CS2D projects...
Just learn to read -.- I found a really nice thing at fpsbanana.
It's called CS2Dgold (cs2dg)
Here's the link for the expansion pack, http://www.fpsbanana.com/games/495.
For download you should click this link and choose the following file mirrors.
It's more like a remake of cs2d, and it's fun.
It has something like, votemap feature, new sounds like quake sounds, bombtimer sound, etc.
It's more then that, so go download! I recommend it!
Although it comes up something in polish or something.
When you download it it will be a folder named "update" just click it and extract to your cs2d folder and then check your cs2d folder and go to the "update" folder and then install it from there and it does it automaticly.
Even though I don't know any polish I still managed to install it, lolz.
If you can't trust polish people, then you can't trust monsters, lol jk.
old.....some like it, some don't....i don't ;P It's updated,
Reply to user below:
Look whose talking. edited 1×, last 23.05.07 06:08:51 pm
I don't mean not updated I mean everybody knows -.-
So stop spamming this thread with Ads for G -.-