more will come later

CS2D : Expansion packs
38 repliesmore will come later
CS2D GunGame
when the first one is is done(DM) and you have installed
it.. when you start CS2D tou can choose between "orginale or a expansion game"
Btw. will there be rank-systems for the servers?
if you now blitz 3d programming you can help make the expansion packs.. more people there is, faster it will be done
RPG Mod sux
please write down your wishesof expansion pack..
maybey it will come in the future..
ep 1 : DM
ep 2 : GunGame
ep 3 : RPG
ep 4- : your wish

Admin/mod comment
use the edit function instead of creating multiple postswe have 9999 mods...
Im tired of all this...