
I had an idea a while back about being able to change how evenly the brush on the map is dispersed. Of course, while drawing I came up with a few more ideas. Note that every setting on this drawing has a thought-out purpose, including every terrain modifier button.


In Stranded II whenever I changed the texture of an object it changed all the textures to that specific texture. That led me to the conclusion that Stranded III shouldn't have this problem. Thus, a menu containing all textures used and giving the ability to modify those. I also considered the ability of changing the actual texture map scale, but I don't know if
DC would have the time or ambition for something of that scale. (pun actually not intended)


In Stranded II many maps of mine required not just the object, but also scads of infos, in order to give the proper lighting effects. Also, the electroshock state was way too loud, and there were other problems encountered as well. This shortcoming, I decided, should not be replicated in Stranded III. Thus, I drew a concept menu of what should be possible with the states/effects. Any size, any color, any place relative to the entity that carries the state, any audio file, and the ability to adjust volume. It even allows the sprite itself to be changed, which means that if this was implemented, there should also be the ability to create new, custom states/effects from scratch.


DC didn't like noses. They were stupid, or whatever. I disagreed with that to the extent that I decided to draw a concept drawing of what the main character could look like with a nose. Also, I took some design inspiration from the warthog that
DC modeled earlier, but he beats a warthog in looks.


What if the player could expand the capacity of its inventory with items or have multiple inventories? I explored that idea in this image, which shows a menu that has multiple inventories.


I tried to draw a picture of a head with as little anatomical accuracy as possible, while still looking good. It would be a good candidate for natives on stranded 3.


The first tiger modeled for stranded III was.. sub par. It didn't turn out as good as some had wished, including
DC himself. I decided to draw a tiger from my imagination in order to work as a possible reference model for future modeling/remodeling of the tiger. I also got carried away and drew a dolphin, a snake, a fern, and the top of a coconut palm.


So, how will the system work for cutting down trees? Well, I had an idea. A tree is separated into several 3d models, but rendered as one during most of the game. When it is chopped with an axe, the axe targets the dotted line (shown in the drawing), which is pre-determined to be where the axe will strike, thus simplifying the system, due to the area of striking being predictable. Also, after being hit by the axe the tree, which is rendered as one 3d model, is rendered as the amount of 3d models it consists of, preparing the tree to break into multiple pieces. If the player is too high up to target the trunk, the axe will target one of the pre-determined points on the nearest large branch, and will chop the branch off. Some of this was inspired by the felled tree in the Extension mod (and SII titanium) and some was inspired by this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvt1HAAp4j4. Anyway, it's a clever system but we'll see if it ever becomes a reality in Stranded III.


A hatchet, a spear, and an arrow. What's so great about that? Well, the spear and arrow both have shaved rock heads, and the axe? It isn't actually that special. Also, the spear has a feather tied to it for stabilization, and the arrow has both sides of a feather split at the shaft tied to it, complements to the Primitive Technology youtube channel for inspiring that. (ignore the French Revolution cartoon, that was my ADHD getting the better of me)


What if you could swap out parts of tools in Stranded? Or add accessories? Hopefully we'll know when Stranded III gets released. This feature would work especially well with the texture editing menu (in one of the drawings above) as swapping out, for example, a stone spear head for a flint one would only need a single texture to be changed. Handles and staffs are a similar story.


Nothing gets me up in the morning better than a natural disaster, but hopefully I never have one to wake me up. It would be fun to have some of them in Stranded 3 though. I can think of all kinds of possible situations of players getting wrecked by natural disasters.


Sometimes all it takes to forget your problems is to take a swim in the local river. Tough luck remembering them afterwards though, at least for this river. Lava rivers would provide a possible source of obsidian, heat generation, and grief. Mainly the third one though. If you get caught in a lava river and don't fry to death, you still aren't safe. It gets as hard as concrete when it dries.


I wondered what tunnel entrances would look like in Stranded III if
DC decided to included tunnels or caves. I drew some possibilities down for fun.


Rivers aren't the same everywhere, of course, and they would be lame and boring if they were. This is a concept of rivers that change speed and form as the slope changes.


Maybe this is just some doodling. Maybe this is a concept like the rest. Rest assured though, the banana in this drawing looks better than the current banana-to-be in Stranded III.


Trunk + leafs = tree. This concept could open the possibility to snag leaves off of trees, or have trees with more variability at least.


The river must end somewhere, but the possibilities may be endless. This drawing shows a few possibilities among many. Maybe I should have drawn my neighbor's basement in there as well.


Some of the items in the drawing are inspired by the Primitive Technology YouTube channel, but the eye, gun, palm tree, tooth, and log aren't. The log picture arises from the idea that if someone shaved the bark off of the log in 8 strips, it would be octagon shaped, which would make it naturally useful for low-poly 3d modeling.


I drew this concept with an underground building system for Stranded III in mind. Useful for shelter, storage, and surviving natural disasters, if natural disasters are ever implemented.


I see pictures of these big rock heads everywhere in tropical island pictures. The mouth might make a good shelter.. or a deadly trap. It serves as good island décor.


I'm not sure if anyone has thought of this already (most likely they have) but it could be a good opportunity to improve performance, provided that, unlike me, you have deep knowledge of how stuff like this works.


Most of these things probably don't belong in a survival game, but what if you need to build a house? You're not going to use one of those cheap stone hammers, are you? (ignore the random guys in the background, I truly hope
DC does not draw inspiration from them.)

Enjoy. Ask questions if you have any, and rate if you have an opinion. Also, if anyone else has some concept art for Stranded III feel free to post it. Enjoy!
edited 12×, last 31.05.23 11:14:05 pm