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U.S.G.N avatars were not downloaded
Tile FX did not work for 64px tilesets
MVP and Assists were not saved properly in stats/rank system
Mouse spectation disappeared after killcam transition
Quake shake effect was too long when having a low frame rate
Bullet shells fade out took too long when having a low frame rate
Tween duration was capped at 65535 ms for all tweens (cap removed)
Some tweens did not work properly when having a huge number of dynamic objects (over 32k)
Lua HTTP request stopped working after first failure
Server mod cache did not load properly for clients
Lighting issues when dynamic objects were updated near light sources
Using the last tile in a tileset with settile command did not work
Pasting texts with line breaks in editor broke maps (line breaks and tabs are now sripped when pasting)
Lua hook "shieldhit" led to crash when shield was hit by turret which was not built by a player
Some Gen_FX / Gen_Weather particles were not visible in map editor anymore
Decals on walls and obstacles were invisible
Map background image was invisible in most cases
Command setbackground did not work properly in most cases
Map transfer "Overwrite" option not working correctly for clients who disabled downloads completely
Clients were sometimes able to use wrong maps - added a second checksum validation (after loading map)
Join hook is now called AFTER map loading (+ new "connect" hook introduced)
"Quick Play" will now prefer servers with at least 3 human players, lower chance to join empty servers
"Quick Play" will now exclude servers with non-standard mode maps (everything not as/cs/de)
Improved "Quick Play" UI
addbind returns true only when it was added succesfully
addbind prints console error if key does not exist
Entity limit in maps increased from 10k to 100k
When changing sv_specmode the new mode is displayed in center of the screen
Server leaderboards (in-game top 100 rank list, accessible via ESC-menu)
mwheeldown and mwheelup addbind keys
®path text tag (draws image in chat)
Chainsaw particles when hitting walls or obstacles
Physics with Lua support
Command "damagetile"
Lua command "raycast"
Lua command "inPhysicsObject"
Lua command "closeplayers" (get all players inside a certain radius around a point)
Lua command "hascloseplayers" (checks if any player is inside a certain radius around a point)
Lua hook "onhit"
Lua hook "connect" (when a player STARTS to connect, triggered before "join"-hook)
Lua hook "clientsetting" (when a player changes settings)
Lua hook "oncollision"
Lua hook "oncollisionhit"
Lua hook "oncollisionenter"
Lua hook "oncollisionleave"
"micsupport" parameter for Lua player command (does player have microphone support?)
"widescreen" parameter for Lua player command (1 if running in widescreen mode, 0 if 4:3 res)
"windowed" parameter for Lua player command (does player run game in window?)
"language" parameter for Lua player command (language of the player)
"language_iso" parameter for Lua player command (ISO code of the language of the player)
"ticks" parameter for Lua game command (server tick/refresh rate)
"timeleft" parameter for Lua game command (remaining round time in seconds)

edited 2×, last 28.02.19 10:56:52 pm