i want script good mood for CT only For Exmple When someone hits me, I do not die !
Thank you

gm={} addhook("serveraction","_serveraction") addhook("join","_join") addhook("hit","_hit") function _join(id) gm[id]=false end function _serveraction(id,action) if action==3 then if player(id,"team")==2 then if gm[id]==true then msg2(id,"\169255000000God Mode Disabled") gm[id]=false else gm[id]=true msg2(id,"\169000255000God Mode Enabled") end end end end function _hit(id) if gm[id]==true then return 1 end end
addhook('minute','loop') function loop() msg('©255255255CTs are in a good mood!!!') parse('sv_sound "/fun/thats_the_way.wav"') end
good_mood=false toggle_mood = function(id, b) good_mood = good_mood == false and true or false local text = good_mood and "\169255255255CTs are in a good mood!!! :D" or "\169200200200CTs are no longer in a good mood... :(" msg(text) end function loop() if good_mood then msg("CTs are in a good mood, yay!! ") parse("sv_sound /"fun/thats_the_way/"") end timer(60000,"loop") end addhook("serveraction","toggle_mood") loop()
addhook("hit","hit_mood") function hit_mood(vic,kil,wpn,hpdmg) 	if good_mood then if player(vic,"team")==2 then 		if (hpdmg > player(vic,"health")) then 			msg2(vic,"Im so happy <3") 			msg2(kil,player(vic,"name").."is in a too good mood") 			return 1 		end 	end end end