hey guys if you find some pokemon games on the net please post here
except for:
Pokemon P.C. 2.0
waiting.... Lol. Pokemon is for 10 year olds. munx has written
Lol. Pokemon is for 10 year olds.
I don'T think that playing pokemon is that childish, but except for gba roms I don't know any available game. The most of them are possibly not distributed for copyright reasons.
sry for that, SC. pokemon is for baby' s
i know a site where u get roms but i don't know if it's legal
Sniper has written
i know a site where u get roms but i don't know if it's legal
yeah, but he didn't want roms, and I have enough (2 even legal, since I have the coresponding game cartridge
@Robin and Everyone else who doesn't like pokemon: your opinion wasn't wanted. please keep it. pkemon isnt that bad at all
o boy! how old are you all? 5? when i was 5/6 i liked it. but now? no. @Robin: I liked pokemon when i was 8. I now play poke because i think that they are pretty nice
@bizzl : What did you mean with :"your opinion wasn't wasted"?
@skiper: thanx buddy
@munx: as for Robin HW User
As bizzl said, you're not supposed to post your opinions of pokèmon. This thread was not made to discuss pokèmon, and your posts are rather provocating, so please stop that and get back to topic. yes.
OK , everyone post here games i didnt know you was talking about the games, because the pokemon-gameboy games are good
and sorry i've sad it like that, i was in a bad mood in that time. edited 1×, last 03.02.07 01:51:28 pm
Robin has written
i didnt know you was talking about the games,
because the pokemon-gameboy games are good
and sorry i've sad it like that, i was in a bad mood in that time.
because the pokemon-gameboy games are good
I never play pokemon.its crappy.Lets play Half-Life² Admin/mod comment
I just said that you're NOT supposed to post anything offending here, DON'T ignore that! If you don't like pokemon, this is no reason to spam here! /HW Robin has written
pokemon is for baby' s

i'ts for baby's Admin/mod comment
sorry but you are an IDIOT! read the mod comment above! ignoring admin/mod comments may lead to a permanent ban! I agree with Robin, the games for Gameboy are really great fun. Except that, I've alway disliked Pokémon. mcqween has written
Robin has written
pokemon is for baby' s


i'ts for baby's
ok sorry thats he's optinion! so whats wrong whit it?
o boy
HW User
I don't have any problem with his opinion (I actually agree with it), the point is that this is off-topic as this thread is not made for discussion whether pokemon is good or bad.
So please get finally back to topic, as I just said.
Edit: Actually I don't think that this thread will produce something useful yet, so I'm going to close this.