Is it possible to add additional status bars? Such as an extra bar for temperature for example? And if so, where in the sys files would i find that? Thanks

Additional Player Status Bars
2 replies

Is it possible to add additional status bars? Such as an extra bar for temperature for example? And if so, where in the sys files would i find that? Thanks

iirc this is how the Extension Mod does this.
This SC lets you define bars with "state_bar=..." but the command which is used to return the value of the new bars doesn't work, so someone in the Extension Mod team fixed it in the current Version of the Mod. So I would suggest that you download the Extension mod and replace the mods folder with yours. Then you can define a bar in 'settings.inf', the first defined bar has the ID 4, the second 5 etc.
All other Information about the SC update you can find in the readme:

### A List of all new and changed commands, definitions, events and behaviours. ###
### ###
### Version: ###
### Credits: Mc Leaf, Quester, Jason13579 ###
### ###
### Thanks to DC for creating the exe ###
- attach_unit_to_player unit-ID Attachs a unit to the player.
- attach_unit_to_cam unit-ID[,X,Y,Z][,pitch,yaw,roll] Attachs a unit to the camera. With [x, y, z] and [pitch, yaw, roll] you can change the position
and the rotation.
- hide_crosshair [mode] With [mode] you can change the display mode of the crosshair (1 = hide, 0 = show). If you didn't
specify a value for [mode] the crosshair will be hidden.
- pickmode unit-ID, mode With 'mode' you can change the pick-mode of the specified unit. The pick-mode says if a unit can
be used and hitten or not (1 = true, 0 = false).
- openmenu menu-ID Opens the menu you specified with 'menu-ID'. You can use the IDs of the command 'menu'
- getsway object-ID Returns the direction, a tree is wiggling in.
- setsway object-ID, direction Sets the direction, a tree is wiggling in, to the specified value.
- raise Y Changes the high of the terrain and everything other about the specified number.
- getmodel "class", type Returns the path to the model of the specified type.
- geticon "class", type Returns the path to the icon of the specified type.
- ter_align object-ID Adapts the rotation of an object to the terrain.
- changeday Simulates a day change, but doesn't change the time.
- show_weight / hide_weight Shows/hides the weight in the inventory.
- freeze_time value Freezes the time (value = 1) or unfreezes (value = 0) it.
- consume_factor value Sets the factor for the food to the specified value (standard = 1).
- change_icon "class", type, "path" Changes the icon of the specified object/unit/item to the specified path.
- achievement ID Player achieves the specified achievement.
- got_achievement ID Returns 1, if the player already got the achievement, and 0, if he did not.
- show_achievement ID Shows a small info-window for the specified achievement.
- count_achievement ID [,amount] Increases the actual count (if the value for 'count' of the definition is reached the player will
get the achievement automatically).
- getcount ID Returns the actual count of the achievement with the given ID.
- reset_achievement ID Resets the given achievement.
- reset_achievements Resets all achievements.
- changebar_value ID, value Changes the value of the specified status bar. IDs 0-3 are used for the health, hunger ... bars, the
IDs for the new bars are set in the row like they are specified in the settings.inf.
- setbar_value ID, value Sets the bar to the specified value.
- getbar_value ID Returns the actual value of the specified status bar.
- zoom factor [,image-path][,X,Y][,auto-skale][,masked] Zooms for the given factor. The specified image will be shown at (0/0) the the specified point. 'Auto-skale'
skales the image to the size of the screen.
- infowindow "name", "source" [,duration][,icon-path] An infowindow like the one for the achievements appears at the top of the screen.
- list "class" Shows the list of objects, items or units.
- changed_weapon Triggered by changing the weapon.
- changed_ammo Triggered by changing the ammo.
- stopani Triggered at the end of an animation (only when the command 'animate is used and the mode is '3').
- offhand Triggered by putting a weapon out of the hand.
- inhand2 Triggered by taking ammo.
- offhand2 Triggered by putting ammo out of the hand.
- inwater Triggered by going into the water.
- outwater Triggered by leaving the water.
- collide Triggered by colliding with an object.
- windsway Triggered by the starting of the wiggling of trees in the wind.
- time_hour_minute Triggered by updating the time. You can set 'hour' and 'minute' to the time, when you want to
start an event.
- changeweather Triggered by a change of the weather.
- exchange Triggered by exchangeing an item.
- achievement[ID] Triggered by getting the achievement with the given ID (withount '[]').
- achieve_count[ID] Triggered by increasing the actual count of the specified achievement (withount '[]').
- list=value Defines, if the object is shown in the list (1) or not (0).
- list=value Defines, if the item is shown in the list (1) or not (0).
- list=value Defines, if the unit is shown in the list (1) or not (0).
- pick=mode With 'mode' you can change the pick-mode of the specified unit. The pick-mode says if a unit can
be used and hitten or not (1 = true, 0 = false).
- menu_achievements=value Show the menu for the achievements (1) or not (0).
- limit_achievements=value Maximal amount of achievements.
- limit_buildings=value Maximal amount of buildings.
- state_bar=name, image, high, lower warning linit, Creates a new status bar, which will appear under the 4 old status bars on the left top. 'High' is
upper warning limit, start value, damage? the highest value, which can be reached and if a warning limit is reached the bar will flash. Damage says, if
the player gets hurt, if
(0) 'high' is reached.
(1) 0 is reached.
(2) 'high' or 0 is reached.
settings.inf (new)
- version_mod=version version of the installed mod
- resolution=x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4,x5,y5 selectable screen resolutions (in the graphics menu)
- new_bui_menu=value Can disable the new building system (0).
- radio=title, text, group Creates a radio button.
- check=title, text Creates a checkbox.
- input=title Creates an inputfield.
- slider=title, text, value Creates a slider. (value = amount of steps)
- text=text Creates a text.
achivements.inf (new)
- id=value ID of the achievement.
- name=name Name of the achievement.
- icon=path Path from the icon of the achievement.
- count=value Value, which must be reached for getting the achievement (use it for things like: kill 200 sheeps)
- visible=value Show icon, description and state (1) or not (0).
- description=start/end Description
- script=start/end Script
- buildtime=time Needed time to build an object, if there is no time specified it will be calculated automatically.
- buildviewport=X, Y, Z, Scale Values for the image in the buildingmenu.
- mosquito Behaviour for an aggressive, flying insect.
- listunits, units Creates a list of all units.
modified Commands:
- player_weapon type If you set 'type' to '0', the player will put the weapon out of the hand.
- player_ammo type If you set 'type' to '0', the player will put the ammo out of the hand.
- loop ("mode" [,number/type]) { commands } new modes: "combinations", "buildings", "stored object-ID" (all items stored in the specified object)
- getsetting "setting" Now also retruns the modversion ("modversion" for 'setting'). If you set the ID of a GUI-object for
'setting', the actual value of this object will be returned.
- exchange "Klasse",ID [,Modus][,Typ,Typ ...] If you specify annegative item type the item can NOT be stored in the storage.
- climate ["climate"] If you leave out the parameter, the actual climate will be returned.
- process "title" [,time][,event][,mode][,move?] With 'mode' you can switch between time mode (in ms) and frame mode (duration of the given amount of frames).
'Move' says, if the player can move during the process.
modified definitions:
- exhaust_move/swim/jump/attack Values for new statusbars can be added.
- exhausted_damage Values for new statusbars can be added.
other Stuff:
- If there is a movie named 'logo.avi' in the 'sys'-folder, it will to be showed instead of the 'logo.bmp'.
- Now you can change the background of the loading bar ('progressback.bmp').
- Now the rotation of the gras is adapted to the terrain.
- a few smaller changes and bugfixes
*Use the settings.inf to show the version number of your mod, change the resolutions you can choose in the graphics menu or to create your own settings menu. To do this
you can choose between diffent GUI-objects. 'getsetting' will return the actual state of a Gui-Object, if you give the ID of the object. The IDs are given in the row like
the GUI-objects are defined (first one ID=1, second ID=2 ...). You can change the name of the menu with editing 'm205' in the strings.inf.
### A List of all new and changed commands, definitions, events and behaviours. ###
### ###
### Version: ###
### Credits: Mc Leaf, Quester, Jason13579 ###
### ###
### Thanks to DC for creating the exe ###
- attach_unit_to_player unit-ID Attachs a unit to the player.
- attach_unit_to_cam unit-ID[,X,Y,Z][,pitch,yaw,roll] Attachs a unit to the camera. With [x, y, z] and [pitch, yaw, roll] you can change the position
and the rotation.
- hide_crosshair [mode] With [mode] you can change the display mode of the crosshair (1 = hide, 0 = show). If you didn't
specify a value for [mode] the crosshair will be hidden.
- pickmode unit-ID, mode With 'mode' you can change the pick-mode of the specified unit. The pick-mode says if a unit can
be used and hitten or not (1 = true, 0 = false).
- openmenu menu-ID Opens the menu you specified with 'menu-ID'. You can use the IDs of the command 'menu'
- getsway object-ID Returns the direction, a tree is wiggling in.
- setsway object-ID, direction Sets the direction, a tree is wiggling in, to the specified value.
- raise Y Changes the high of the terrain and everything other about the specified number.
- getmodel "class", type Returns the path to the model of the specified type.
- geticon "class", type Returns the path to the icon of the specified type.
- ter_align object-ID Adapts the rotation of an object to the terrain.
- changeday Simulates a day change, but doesn't change the time.
- show_weight / hide_weight Shows/hides the weight in the inventory.
- freeze_time value Freezes the time (value = 1) or unfreezes (value = 0) it.
- consume_factor value Sets the factor for the food to the specified value (standard = 1).
- change_icon "class", type, "path" Changes the icon of the specified object/unit/item to the specified path.
- achievement ID Player achieves the specified achievement.
- got_achievement ID Returns 1, if the player already got the achievement, and 0, if he did not.
- show_achievement ID Shows a small info-window for the specified achievement.
- count_achievement ID [,amount] Increases the actual count (if the value for 'count' of the definition is reached the player will
get the achievement automatically).
- getcount ID Returns the actual count of the achievement with the given ID.
- reset_achievement ID Resets the given achievement.
- reset_achievements Resets all achievements.
- changebar_value ID, value Changes the value of the specified status bar. IDs 0-3 are used for the health, hunger ... bars, the
IDs for the new bars are set in the row like they are specified in the settings.inf.
- setbar_value ID, value Sets the bar to the specified value.
- getbar_value ID Returns the actual value of the specified status bar.
- zoom factor [,image-path][,X,Y][,auto-skale][,masked] Zooms for the given factor. The specified image will be shown at (0/0) the the specified point. 'Auto-skale'
skales the image to the size of the screen.
- infowindow "name", "source" [,duration][,icon-path] An infowindow like the one for the achievements appears at the top of the screen.
- list "class" Shows the list of objects, items or units.
- changed_weapon Triggered by changing the weapon.
- changed_ammo Triggered by changing the ammo.
- stopani Triggered at the end of an animation (only when the command 'animate is used and the mode is '3').
- offhand Triggered by putting a weapon out of the hand.
- inhand2 Triggered by taking ammo.
- offhand2 Triggered by putting ammo out of the hand.
- inwater Triggered by going into the water.
- outwater Triggered by leaving the water.
- collide Triggered by colliding with an object.
- windsway Triggered by the starting of the wiggling of trees in the wind.
- time_hour_minute Triggered by updating the time. You can set 'hour' and 'minute' to the time, when you want to
start an event.
- changeweather Triggered by a change of the weather.
- exchange Triggered by exchangeing an item.
- achievement[ID] Triggered by getting the achievement with the given ID (withount '[]').
- achieve_count[ID] Triggered by increasing the actual count of the specified achievement (withount '[]').
- list=value Defines, if the object is shown in the list (1) or not (0).
- list=value Defines, if the item is shown in the list (1) or not (0).
- list=value Defines, if the unit is shown in the list (1) or not (0).
- pick=mode With 'mode' you can change the pick-mode of the specified unit. The pick-mode says if a unit can
be used and hitten or not (1 = true, 0 = false).
- menu_achievements=value Show the menu for the achievements (1) or not (0).
- limit_achievements=value Maximal amount of achievements.
- limit_buildings=value Maximal amount of buildings.
- state_bar=name, image, high, lower warning linit, Creates a new status bar, which will appear under the 4 old status bars on the left top. 'High' is
upper warning limit, start value, damage? the highest value, which can be reached and if a warning limit is reached the bar will flash. Damage says, if
the player gets hurt, if
(0) 'high' is reached.
(1) 0 is reached.
(2) 'high' or 0 is reached.
settings.inf (new)
- version_mod=version version of the installed mod
- resolution=x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4,x5,y5 selectable screen resolutions (in the graphics menu)
- new_bui_menu=value Can disable the new building system (0).
- radio=title, text, group Creates a radio button.
- check=title, text Creates a checkbox.
- input=title Creates an inputfield.
- slider=title, text, value Creates a slider. (value = amount of steps)
- text=text Creates a text.
achivements.inf (new)
- id=value ID of the achievement.
- name=name Name of the achievement.
- icon=path Path from the icon of the achievement.
- count=value Value, which must be reached for getting the achievement (use it for things like: kill 200 sheeps)
- visible=value Show icon, description and state (1) or not (0).
- description=start/end Description
- script=start/end Script
- buildtime=time Needed time to build an object, if there is no time specified it will be calculated automatically.
- buildviewport=X, Y, Z, Scale Values for the image in the buildingmenu.
- mosquito Behaviour for an aggressive, flying insect.
- listunits, units Creates a list of all units.
modified Commands:
- player_weapon type If you set 'type' to '0', the player will put the weapon out of the hand.
- player_ammo type If you set 'type' to '0', the player will put the ammo out of the hand.
- loop ("mode" [,number/type]) { commands } new modes: "combinations", "buildings", "stored object-ID" (all items stored in the specified object)
- getsetting "setting" Now also retruns the modversion ("modversion" for 'setting'). If you set the ID of a GUI-object for
'setting', the actual value of this object will be returned.
- exchange "Klasse",ID [,Modus][,Typ,Typ ...] If you specify annegative item type the item can NOT be stored in the storage.
- climate ["climate"] If you leave out the parameter, the actual climate will be returned.
- process "title" [,time][,event][,mode][,move?] With 'mode' you can switch between time mode (in ms) and frame mode (duration of the given amount of frames).
'Move' says, if the player can move during the process.
modified definitions:
- exhaust_move/swim/jump/attack Values for new statusbars can be added.
- exhausted_damage Values for new statusbars can be added.
other Stuff:
- If there is a movie named 'logo.avi' in the 'sys'-folder, it will to be showed instead of the 'logo.bmp'.
- Now you can change the background of the loading bar ('progressback.bmp').
- Now the rotation of the gras is adapted to the terrain.
- a few smaller changes and bugfixes
*Use the settings.inf to show the version number of your mod, change the resolutions you can choose in the graphics menu or to create your own settings menu. To do this
you can choose between diffent GUI-objects. 'getsetting' will return the actual state of a Gui-Object, if you give the ID of the object. The IDs are given in the row like
the GUI-objects are defined (first one ID=1, second ID=2 ...). You can change the name of the menu with editing 'm205' in the strings.inf.