Admin abusing powers
Admin abusing powers
1 reply While i was playing on Doghouse , about 2mins from when i started writing this thread, my team was suffering from someone who's pretending to be an Admin of the server.
Not sure if uses speedhack or he gives additional speed to himself, but that's devastating and it turned the game unplayable ! that's why i think that he's clan or whoever engaged him on this server should eliminate him from doing so and choosing the right people to take this responsibility, especially on the most popular servers, nobody want to play against this kind of cheaters.
i think it's obvious who i'm talking about as in the image

cheers DC Admin
Stuff like this basically happens in every match so reporting it is rather useless.
Also if someone is admin on a server he's free to do whatever he wants. There are reasons that he has these rights, maybe he even owns the server and is paying for it. You can't tell such people to behave in a special way. Just don't play on their server if you dislike their behavior. They have to change then because playing alone makes their server useless.