LATEST UPDATE: 09/07/2014 18:00
Videos released - scroll down to the bottom of the post
As part of an effort to finish some of the mods I left lying on my disk for years, I'm doing a complete rewrite of the Space RPG mod.
For those of you not familiar with the Space RPG mod, it is a total conversion mod that makes CS2D into a space trading and combat simulator, not unlike Freelancer, Elite and the X series. However, the original upload remained in RC, and the server eventually withered away. Now the mod is getting a second life, and with it a number of new features.
The promo listing is followed by more technical and more detailed descriptions of features and additions to version 2.0. More details and exact values will be available once they are settled on after play testing.
A large dynamic universe. At the time of writing, events take place in a 400x430 map with 2 sectors and 18 different stations to explore. A dynamic market, random events in the universe and player input make the quadrant a continuously evolving world.
Player-built stations
One of the biggest additions to version 2.0 of the mod is the ability to build your own station. If you have the resources, you can create your own base and shape it into anything, from a fuel station to a trade port to a weapons or ship factory.
Dynamic market
Another important change in version 2.0 of the mod is the addition of a supply and demand mechanic to stations. Now, some stations produce a commodity while others import and consume it, and the player can ship commodities to where they are most in demand to make a hefty profit.
12 different factions sharing control over the quadrant are also part of the dynamic universe, and the player can align themselves with any one of them for bonuses and new possibilities. Players can also found their own factions, and possibly become the most influential force in the quadrant.
Exciting combat. Guns are now better than ever, and if you're one for fighting then you will enjoy what the mod has to offer you.
New equipment
Shields, reactors and other new devices have been added, giving you even more control over your ship. Shields, energy and fuel now depend on the equipment you have, and you will need to procure top-notch technology to stay ahead of your enemies.
Better weapons
Weapons have also been revamped, and now two kinds of weapons are available for you to mount on your ship - lasers that reach your target instantly and cannons that deliver a heavier blow at the expense of having a travel time. In addition, each weapon now has a certain type, and each type has different effect on shields and armour - an optimal combination will make you a fearsome fighter indeed.
Complete configurability. Although the mod will ship with a default configuration, everything listed above can be changed to your liking. A thoroughly detailed map-dependent configuration file will explain every aspect of the mod.
Feature descriptions 
Player-built bases 
Player-built bases are by far the biggest addition to the new Space RPG mod. A base is founded when a player places a core console. This console will remain the heart of the base and the place where most of the interaction with players will take place.
After the console is placed, the founder can access it by pressing [E] while being directly adjacent to it. This will open the modification menu.
The most important function in the modification menu is base layout editing. Once that option is selected, the player goes into editing mode, where they can place tiles within the station's zone of influence and change its layout.
Some tiles are simply used for structure or decoration, but some tiles have special functions, like adding storage to the station, unlocking new functions or producing commodities. For example, each grass tile produces 1 food per minute, whereas special console tiles unlock equipment and ship manufacturing.
Stations require crew in order to fully function and serve visitors. Crew needs to be shipped in by the owner or authorised pilots. Crewmen themselves don't take up storage space; the food and water that they consume to stay alive, however, do. If the crew runs out of food or water, they will start leaving the station.
Once the crew is in, the station can start serving visitors. The first service the station can offer is commodity trading - any commodities deposited by the owner or authorised pilots will be available for sale, and unless prohibited the station will buy any commodity offered by a player. Placing console tiles will add the ability to replenish shields and energy, refuel, repair, sell and manufacture equipment and ships as well as produce commodities.
Prolonged and heavy attack on the station will eventually destroy it. Structural tiles add more integrity to the station, and tougher tiles require more resources to build.
Dynamic market 
The supply and demand mechanics that were added to the mod are fairly simple. Static stations have a certain quantity of each commodity, which directly influences the price of that commodity. The price rises exponentially as the quantity decreases. A station can be in deficit; in that case, the price for the demanded commodity still rises, although slower - logarithmically.
Stations consume items that are in demand and replenish supplies of commodities they produce; this is how the market regulates itself in addition to player trading.
Player-built stations can set either quantity-dependent or fixed prices for commodities. At the time of writing, prices of equipment and ships do not change with quantity. Static stations never run out of equipment and ships; player-built stations, however, do.
Factions are fairly straight-forward. The main menu, opened by pressing [F2], can lead you to a reputation index where you can see your reputations with all factions on the server. You earn the most reputation with a faction by destroying ships that are aligned with enemy factions; you can also gain reputation by trading on a faction's stations. You lose the most faction reputation by destroying ships of that faction; you lose slightly less reputation by trading on enemy stations. Destroying enemy allies also gives you some reputation, and you lose some reputation for destroying faction allies.
Players can found their own factions by paying a certain fee. Once a player creates their faction they become its founder, which is a rank with ultimate authority. Other players can then be invited and eventually promoted to higher ranks. The faction founder and high-ranking members can configure faction friends and enemies, which influences the way non-members gain or lose reputation.
Players can modify their stations to be faction property. They can set stations to be property of a static faction by having a high enough reputation, or a player faction by either having a high enough rank or authorising the founder or high-ranking members to modify the station themselves.
Bars are the second area on stations alongside trading. They allow you to gather information about the quadrant as well as improve your standing with certain factions.
Bars update every few minutes. If you're lucky enough, you'll catch a patron who will offer you a 'rephack' - an immediate increase in reputation with a faction. This favour costs an impressive sum of money however, so unless you need it urgently you might find it more viable to trade or fight in the faction's name.
Currently planned features 
Cross-server gameplay. Players will be able to jump between servers like they are able to jump between sectors. A special kind of hypergate will send players to another server, where they will retain their ships, equipment and items. Other servers will offer players new quadrants with exotic items and commodities.
Potentially: Missiles. I will have to see how much lag weapons generate in their current form, and whether implementing missiles is feasible and viable. If I decide in favour of implementing them, then missiles will be a third weapon type, requiring ammunition but delivering high damage, as well as tracking their targets for some models.
Your participation 
There are a few ways you can participate and help. The best way to help so far is to tell me what you think about the mod, whether you're interested, and what you'd like to see added or changed.
Once a stable enough version is completed you will also be able to participate in a beta test. I will start off with a closed beta test - you can send your applications to me in PM now.
I will also need server staff after the mod goes public. If you think you can do a good job at keeping order on the server and helping new players - send me a PM.
In addition, I am no artist, so if you are willing to help by drawing ships, you can post them here and I will consider adding them to the mod. Please bear in mind that light (small) fighters are 32x32 pixels in size, and that ships should ideally not exceed 128x128 - it is best if you don't even come close to this limit.
Latest updates 
Preview video released! Available now on my YouTube channel.
Weapons now have different types - different weapon types (e.g. antimatter, plasma) deal different damage to shields and armour.
Equipment and ship trading have largely been finished, and the mod now features bars!
I will release a few preview videos of the mod on my YouTube channel within a few days. Watch this thread for further updates.
Weapon types - different types have different damage multipliers for shields and armour
Targeting other players - information about your target's shield and armour points is displayed near your ship stats
Weapon stats now display near their names in the cargo hold and equipment menu
Bars on stations
Bar patrons who provide rumours and reputation hacks - reputation hacks immediately increase your standing with a faction for money
Repair and refuelling to stations
You can now buy equipment and ships from stations
Lasers now hit players properly
Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy this mod. edited 3×, last 09.07.14 05:25:35 pm
I personally was never interested in it, but I can clearly see some solid work right there. Only thing that I dislike about this mod is the fact that background and tiles are very repetitive. edited 1×, last 04.07.14 03:58:44 pm
Why not like this?
Me more than once offered to all good scripters to work together as a team ... to create masterpieces instead of small scripts and "mods". edited 1×, last 04.07.14 12:57:46 pm
Admin/mod comment
Please use more tags for images like this. This sounds very interesting
Will be hosting it, definitely.
Well, about the missiles, I do not think is the case for both, but I think you should try using Lua Lanes and do the things on a separate thread. I am interested in your beautiful mod
Infinite Rain has written
Only thing that I dislike about this is mod is the fact that background and tiles are very repetitive.
Fair enough I suppose, I agree about the background. I do find the map tileset and the way it was used to be all right, but who am I to judge.
Pagyra has written
Me more than once offered to all good scripters to work together as a team ... to create masterpieces instead of small scripts and "mods".
While I appreciate your repeated attempts to convince me to make these things in your vision, in addition to trying to make the mod look pretty I also aim at viable multiplayer and smaller strain on system resources, which involves minimizing the amount of images used and calculations made. And even though I can make the mod look like it does on your images, neither of the things I mentioned will happen if I were to do so.
I might release a 3.0 when CS2D changes enough for this kind of mod to be viable or if I change my mind, but at this point the mod will more or less remain as it is graphically. The kind of graphics you show are what I made for my standalone game, not a CS2D mod.
_Yank has written
Will be hosting it, definitely.
If you intend to host a permanent server (not a listen one spontaneously) then we might need to have a talk about cross-server integration, since I will also be hosting a number of official servers.
Thanks for all your feedback everyone. I will be updating the header post as more things get added. I can't see the screenshot(s). Really. I can't rate without any screenshot even there're features that very interesting to me. You should read the first post and also check all Links
Dousea has written
I can't see the screenshot(s). Really. I can't rate without any screenshot even there're features that very interesting to me.
Did you open the "Screenshots" more tag? They're hosted on imgur, so they should be displaying correctly.
EngiN33R has written
Did you open the "Screenshots" more tag? They're hosted on imgur, so they should be displaying correctly.
Owh, I can't see image that hosted with imgur. Also yes, I opened the "Screenshots" more tag. Haughtiness - this is not the best trait.
We must learn to complement each other with our capabilities. "Two heads are better than one." This is an interesting mod :).
Looking forward for the news. Interesting. I hope you put the lightspeed from Star Wars. @
AlcatrazZ: Actually they're not better since you need to aim at the place where you want to move 
Lets stick to the subject. Well, @
EngiN33R:, yeah, I will host it permanently and I'm interested in cooperate with your servers. By the way, this feature needs the servers to use Lua Socket right ? I can not think of any other way to accomplish this. I would of never suspected you would update this
I love the factions idea, but im not so sure about the player built-stations - will it utilize sprites? (In that case it could cause much lag)
Are you still going to use you're old millennium falcon?
I think if we get to choose our own ships like last time - i would love to use one from FTL
(cover'd up roof of course) Lookin pretty good as always @