I am greatfull and thanks to a moderator in cs2d
I am greatfull and thanks to a moderator in cs2d
1 reply Yes it is raining mamoths (justas raining mamoths) He was the only person who teach me everything when i asked him to teach about hosting server he hosted for me without any knowledge of cs2d he hosted for me he teached me of LUA and everything i inspired from him he was my teacher and hosted a server RR Fun because of him THIS TOPIC IS NOT ABOUT PRAISING HIM but only praising him a NICE HUMAN BIENG he hesitaite me i make him angry about LUA i amde him tension but all about that he teached me He is the only person such a man kind i have seen in my cs2d life HATS OFF TO YOU MAN BOW FOR YOU. without him i cant make a cs2d server, Thank you. It's ok that you're happy and all but this is considered spam. Please don't do it again, thanks.