DC is playing Strande 3.-DIE Wolf- User Offline 05.02.14 01:39:32 pm DC is playing strande III even it not release I just watch DC profile and see this !
Re: DC is playing Strande 3.Aidsregen User Offline 05.02.14 01:46:04 pm It's a pretty big secret but.... HE'S FUCKING CODING IT YOU WORTHLESS PEACE OF MEAT! Go to a fucking school, and learn english, stop posting trash on us.de and kill yourself. kind regards, Sens0r Admin/mod comment §3.1 - No posts which offend/provoke/insult (flame)
Re: DC is playing Strande 3.XoOt Super User Offline 05.02.14 01:46:16 pm Srsly wtf is wrong with you. Dc is playing stranded 3 which is sooo intresting to know if he is playing his own games to check issues or bugs etc. I see you're using paint for your high class designing stuff haha
Re: DC is playing Strande 3.DC Admin Offline 05.02.14 01:59:52 pm I'm just working on it which shouldn't be big news to anyone around here. Still no reason for flaming, Aidsregen. Trashed.