if you want the details PM me.

Anyone needs LoL Account?
16 replies

if you want the details PM me.

I can request to give a ban for you
oh god please not i will do everything but please no ban request!!!11!!
/sarcasm off
Well i guess you are even too dumb to get that i give a shit about your ban request.

No, not really just wait till moderators come to kick your ass
Oh ye of course they will do because i violated sooooo many rules.

Something like advertisement?? And may nobody cares about your shity account
english skill over 9000, huh?
Oh and you are wrong.. you dont care about my account so just leave this topic and stop commenting every thread with senseless shit, thanks.
This post what you started is really useless.
and salad ur not smart lol

May i learning English yet?
This post what you started is really useless.
This post what you started is really useless.
just continue....
I got no words anymore to describe this stupidity.

Why don't you just deinstall and stop playin'? this would be easier i guess.... I just don't like LoL as well but I wouldn't just make a post like that .. 

Well it would be a solution but i dont want to waste the account because i invested a lot of money into it so why not giving it away for free?
Would be the same if anyone wants to gift you a Steam account with a lot of games.
Found someone who took the account - you can close this topic.
edited 1×, last 21.01.14 01:26:30 am

Your IQ is zero
go kill yourself please