The top box displays server info - the name, the map, players and bots. Right now it uses the USGN server list to gather data, so information about the server will only be available if it's in the official list. The ability to gather data from any server is item #1 on the to-do list. A reconnect is also required to refresh the server info - implementing a proper mechanism for that is item #2.
The bottom box is the console output. It does not support colours yet, though I plan on implementing that eventually.
The X button in the top right corner is the disconnect button - press it if you want to switch to a different server.
The next CS2D tool for Android is going to be a map editor, so you could similarly edit maps wherever you want - on the go, in a café, or at school. Stay tuned!
Please report any bugs you find (along with how you found them) and post any suggestions you have - they will be taken into consideration. Ratings are also very appreciated.

edited 2×, last 29.12.13 05:02:56 pm