please give me link.

Link to Lost in space (original) request
8 replies

please give me link.
I hope you will use the search function next time.
Models (for developers):

Unfortunately, I can't post the link, but it can be seen on my profile.
The mod is in Russian, like all my mods.
Because either part of the code was missing in my version, or it works very cunningly so that I can figure it out.
I put a patch in my program that adds a little water at night, but still I would like to understand how it was conceived by the authors...

I just wanted to let you know that I just looked at your website and found it to be very interesting and helpful. I'm looking forward to reading many of your posts
Bro has really created a multiaccount to give himself a positive response

I also found a collection on the site containing an alpha mod. It is included in the "Stranded Mod Collection". The link in the files directory is working at the moment.
edited 1×, last 15.03.24 11:29:16 am