The object of the game is to capture the enemy flag. The map is designed like a checkerboard where the CT's can only travel across the blue squares and the T's on the red squares. There is an oasis in the middle where money will spawn so it will be smart to have it secured for your team. right now weapon buying is disabled and custom prices are set for buildings.
Current Features:
Bank System : deposit/withdraw/drop money
Credit System : buy credits with $ and use them for perks
Perk System : really cool glowing auroras that shield players from damage)
Upgrade System : 8 weapon upgrades based on score/money
Stake System : enables players to but stakes on their team and win money if their team wins
Lottery System : You can actually purchase lottery tickets(you can win up to about $20,000)
Buff System : (the most advanced of them all) use money to purchase special functions to either help you stay alive,kill your enemy and help your team win or even create a zombie apocalypse!
Control System : control players and server with a menu also has color text and stuff for admins.

Buffs :
Protection(!prot) : put a shield around yourself and absorb %100 damage. lasts 5 seconds
Instant Build(!build) : instanty build all buildings except dispensers for 10 seconds.
(Instand build also works for upgrades and repair, upgrades are $100 and repair is free)
Build Block(!block) : use F2 to place a block on your cruiser and prevent players from building there.
Spawn Mines(!mines) : use F2 to spawn mines on your cruiser.
AI Assist(!assist) : use F2 to spawn NPC's on your cruiser.
Secure Position(!prot) : Secure everything inside your square from damage for 30 seconds.
Instant Kill(!kill) : Instantly kill any enemies on your cruiser, lasts 5 seconds.
Blue Sky : %10 protection. (per hit)
Red Fire : %20 protection. (per hit)
White Ice : %30 protection. (per hit)
Laser Sphere : %40 protection. (per hit)
Chimera Cell : %50 protection. (per hit)
Stakes can only be enabled with 4 or more players!
stakes close in one minute after roundstart.
When you change team you get a %30 refund after spawning.
Server Priviladges:
VIP Features : (balance of $100,000 or more in bank account.)
(VIP have access to control panel and can change their text color)
Staff: Earned via forum
Dev : mapart develeopers of scripts and maps.
To configure all of the prices for buffs and upgrades go to engine.lua they are located near the top.
edited 4×, last 27.12.12 05:03:06 am