edited 1×, last 09.06.12 08:28:27 pm

What do you think of "what do you think" threads?
26 replies
What do you think of "your favourite/what do you think" threads?
Only registered users are allowed to vote
I'm sick of that spam, trash them, etc. | 73.17% (30) | |
I wouldn't mind if it was limited to one per user. | 4.88% (2) | |
They're fine, even better if noone posts in them. | 7.32% (3) | |
I like them a lot, it shows creativity ^__^ | 14.63% (6) |
41 votes cast

Not all of them are trash

just the ones that ask about stupid topics.
But all of them ask stupid questions. Well, apart from this smart one.

Fuck you man.
uMad because of mindfuck.
Chuck Norris Approve
edited 1×, last 09.06.12 09:21:59 pm

Perfect example of how threads starting with "what do you think of" become full of spam and off-topic. I also would like to see "what's your favorite" theads banned.
Everytime I go to off-topic section, I only see threads starting with "What".
oh not another word
just lalalalla it goes around the world
just lalalalla its all around the world.

I dunno know what to say
oh not another word
just lalalalla it goes around the world
just lalalalla its all around the world.
oh not another word
just lalalalla it goes around the world
just lalalalla its all around the world.
Dafuq ?
Cause that thread was even more useless.


Everyone seems to think that polls are required for each off-topic thread so they add super stupid questions + answers...
I guess we can all help each other by doing our part by just not replying to those threads so that they get bumped down by newer and better threads.