DC Admin
I already received several reports from users who have been asked to sell or trade their account or to give/share it for free. Especially accounts with low IDs seem to be very popular.
Account trading does not make sense and Unreal Software will ban involved accounts whenever we detect that an account has been given to another person
Never give your account to third parties. Each account is bound to its owner. It makes no sense to simply change the owner by giving the account to someone else.
Also a lower ID gives you absolutely no advantages. edited 1×, last 22.05.12 05:14:19 pm
No advantage? Low ID is a big advantage DC Admin
Please explain yourself. Why should it be a big advantage? It gives you no special power or anything. The only advantage is that it is easier to remember. That's it. It's totally pointless to trade accounts. The ID's advantages:
1)You can beat the other user like:[Look at my ID and look at yours...]
2)If you have it, you can sell it DC Admin
1) Do you have a little penis or what? Seriously... "Look my ID is lower! haha!"?! Grow up!
2) You are not allowed to. I'll ban you and the sold account for that.
No advantages at all. Looks like I am not the only one here.
Good thing the person who asked for my account gave a lame reason: "I forgot my password to my old account"
So I immediately deleted the PM, not paying attention to the ID or name of that guy. DC Admin
Wow... and your ID is actually quite high already. This is madness... DC has best ID - 1
And one more thing .
Pay money for Lower ID ?? Nonsense .... Well there are server-sided advantages, looking at a lower usid does make you look more in-tune and in-touch with cs2d, regardless of how long you have actually participated in the game.
Regardless, it does not make sense to buy or sell accounts...
DC has written
1) Do you have a little penis or what? Seriously... "Look my ID is lower! haha!"?! Grow up!
2) You are not allowed to. I'll ban you and the sold account for that.
No advantages at all.
Dear DC,
Why do you have to use the word "Penis" in almost all of your sentences?
When I load up cs2d, it states that 'Cheaters have a little penis'.
Now I read another comment of you concerning the male love rod.
What is your obsession with this meat sword? To me it sounds you have some serious
issues. If you have problems concerning the size , you should see a psychiatrist or a female advisor.
You don't have to confront other users of unrealsoftware with your problem.
Having a lower ID means that you're a member of UnrealSoftware for a longer time.
Who wouldn't want the honour of being a member of such a great community for a long time?
They say that wisdom comes with age, people therefor should pay more attention to older members.
If you can't trust the age of a member anymore, since the account belong to the user might have been traded with a newbie,
the ID becomes a useless artifact. If everyone would trade their account, you cannot brag with having an older account anymore.
Eventually, nobody will be interested in having a low ID anymore.
The problem will solve itself if you let the users have their way.
Sincerely, uPrate6 Admin/mod comment
- It happens very rarely that I use this word. I feel offended by these wrong assumptions! /DC
MAX-russia has written
The ID's advantages:
1)You can beat the other user like:[Look at my ID and look at yours...]
2)If you have it, you can sell it
1: That's fucking stupid logic, and if you truly believe in that I worry about your IQ, your maturity, and how old you are.
2: No you cannot, DC ruled that we are not to sell or trade our accounts with something else as it is against the terms of service on this website.
Kindly take your retarded lack of logic and leave this thread forever.
Tobey has written
Dear DC,
Why do you have to use the word "Penis" in almost all of your sentences?
When I load up cs2d, it states that 'Cheaters have a little penis'.
Now I read another comment of you concerning the male love rod.
What is your obsession with this meat sword? To me it sounds you have some serious
issues. If you have problems concerning the size , you should see a psychiatrist or a female advisor.
You don't have to confront other users of unrealsoftware with your problem.
Imagine that you are the admin of a website, you establish some rules, but nobody reads them and you have to write in almost every thread an admin comment explaining why the thread is against the rules.
Sure, no problem. But do that for 9 (nine) years!
Too bad that DC has deleted the "Deleted posts" thread (the one that had the deleted posts from >6 years) from the Trash section. If you had taken a look over there, you would have understood earlier.
Tobey has written
Having a lower ID means that you're a member of UnrealSoftware for a longer time.
Who wouldn't want the honour of being a member of such a great community for a long time?
They say that wisdom comes with age, people therefor should pay more attention to older members.
If you can't trust the age of a member anymore, since the account belong to the user might have been traded with a newbie,
the ID becomes a useless artifact. If everyone would trade their account, you cannot brag with having an older account anymore.
Eventually, nobody will be interested in having a low ID anymore.
The problem will solve itself if you let the users have their way.
I don't think that having an "old account" matters that much. What matters is the contribution to the forum/games. That's the game of the equality of chances.
I've been here since 2006 and I can say that there are a lot of members here that have registered after me and they have had a greater contribution to the forum than me. edited 3×, last 21.05.12 07:22:13 pm
Well every online forum will have users that do not follow the rules. That's why I like small forums, it is much easier for the moderators to enforce, where as in large forums they just allow random stuff to happen. Yes, it's easier on small forums for moderators to enforce, though using section moderators works good too on large forums.
Tobey has written
Why do you have to use the word "Penis" in almost all of your sentences?
I do believe he was talking about an "e-penis". But either way, it doesn't matter.
Tobey has written
When I load up cs2d, it states that 'Cheaters have a little penis'.
But they do have small penises.
Tobey has written
What is your obsession with this meat sword? To me it sounds you have some serious
Even if DC was a homosexual, it still wouldn't matter. And not that his sexuality has anything to do with this thread anyway.
Tobey has written
You don't have to confront other users of unrealsoftware with your problem.
Except he does. Because some people around here are completely thick as shit.
Tobey has written
Having a lower ID means that you're a member of UnrealSoftware for a longer time.
I've have a slightly lower ID. Doesn't make me any better than the average asshole around here. Despite having old accounts it doesn't mean I'm the most amazing user UnrealSoftware has ever had.
Tobey has written
Who wouldn't want the honour of being a member of such a great community for a long time?
You know, you could easily achieve this by actually staying on this community and doing something for it over the years rather than "gaining" it through an account trade.
Tobey has written
They say that wisdom comes with age, people therefor should pay more attention to older members.
Tobey has written
Tobey has written
The problem will solve itself if you let the users have their way.
Or, people could stop being complete dicks and actually listen to DC for once. its really funny seeing people trying to buy lower ids
the only id i would like to buy is dcs one
then i would be admin of this side
(Dc how much does it cost?
Loooser has written
its really funny seeing people trying to buy lower ids
the only id i would like to buy is dcs one

then i would be admin of this side
(Dc how much does it cost?

Consensus has been reached that your attempt at humour was dry, dull, and lacking in originality and effort. Avo User
Yeah, I'm also interesting, how much DC account costs?
But more interesting is what will be after death of DC, end of UNREALSOFTWARE ?
Admin/mod comment
From message to all to talking about penises and DC's death... Nice Seems like I have to sell my account. How much would I get for a moderator account with a rather low ID (1757)?