Me (for images and maps)
Filbumwinter (for script)
Frosty66 (helped Filbumwinter with the npc scripting)
Weiwen (did a lot of scripting as well)
I am willing to create with a few other users a new fun script that will allow powerups, bosses, special characters, new weapons, gamemodes.
The Basics:

These are just 4 of characters I'm introducing from the game Whacked

This flightless watermellon comes all the way from Canada, let's give a hearty welcome to everyones best friend: EUGENE!

We found this contestant at several all you can eat buffets. Let's give a delicious helping of applause for: TOOF!

This contestant's feet were taken by a good meat factory and he just can't seem to stop COMPLAINING about it! Let's give a handy welcome to: LUCKY!

Before I introduce this contestant I ask the audience to secure all their valuables, because this little midget has a problem with boundaries. Put your hands together on your property and welcome: CHARITY!

a.) Fragfest (a kind of Team Deathmatch)
Kill the most players within the timelimit to win the game. You lose 1 point from your total if you accidentally dispose of yourself.

b.) Combat: Collect the maximum number of stars to win the game. Whack other opponents to release their stars. You cannot pick stars your own color

c.) Chicken (a kind of zombie)
Collect the stars from 50 chicken to win. You lose if you suffer 3 fatal chicken attacks.
d.) King of the Hill: Stand the longest time on the designated area to win
e.) Grab n' run: Hold the trophy the longest time to win the game. Kill the other player holding the trophy to release it.
f.) Dodgeball: Avoid getting hit and try to hit as many opponents as you can.
3. Powerups and misc(complete)

a.) Armor: Notice how your body turns to metal? That means you're impervious to weaponry! Do some damage before your shielding peters out

b.) On FIRE!!!: See those flames engulfing your body? That means you're on fire! Extinguish those flames by colliding with your opponents-now it's their turn to feel the heat! But you can pick up a cleaver and turn it into a flaming cleaver!

c.) Double Up: That crown on your head means that every star is worth double! Get as many as you can as long as the royal treatment lasts! But beware every star you pick up is worth two, that means every star mine hit does double damage!

d.) Feeding Frenzy: A cluster of stars suddenly appears all around you. Grab as many as you can before your opponents start swarming!
e.) Freeding Frenzy: A cluster of star mines surrounds the player
f.) Vacuum: See that vortex swirling around you? It means your a vacuum for nearby stars! Suck up as many as you can while you still got the chance! But beware, star mines will be attracted in the vortex as well.
4. The Big Red Button(WORK IN PROGRESS) 10% complete
By picking up this marvelous technological wonder, it changes the outcome of a battle in a matter of seconds
a.) Misslefest:

b.) Screwed: The player should count his unlucky stars, cause every star has turned his color so he can't pick them up! He's screwed!

c.) Magnet: A magnet that attracts homing weapons appears over the leaders head. All the other players receive 3 plunger missiles apiece. Suddenly, first is the worst place to be!

d.) Minefield: It's time to watch your step instead of your score,... when the playing field turns into a field of explosive star mines! One false move and KERPLOOEY! Not to worry, though. The stars will dissapear soon enough,... When they SELF-DESTRUCT!
e.) Play-Ball: Get ready for some big-league brutality, when every player receives a baseball bat. Batter up, up and AWAY!

f.) Fish-eye lens: Does it seem you need a new pair of glasses? That's because the Fish-Eye lens is in effect! So don't call the optometrist just yet, you'll see things clearly in a few seconds.

5. Weapons (complete)
a.) Plunger Missile: Time for a little toilet training! Target your opponents and fire away!
Damage: 3/5
Star loss: 2/5
Fire rate: 3/5

b.) Stapler: Finally! Office supplies to die for! Get in close and staple your opponents to the ground!
Damage: 2/5
Star loss: 3/5
Fire rate: 2/5

c.) The shocker: Who said lightning never strikes twice? Get in close and fire. Hold the attack button to suck stars out of your opponents!
Damage: 2/5
Star loss: 2/5
Fire rate: 5/5

d.) Cluster Duck: Get ready for some fowl play! Aim and throw these deadly duck grenades. Hold down the attack button to fire multiple ducks.
Damage: 3/5
Star loss: 2/5
Fire rate: 2/5

e.) Throwing Cleavers: Get ready for a real side splitter! Here's your chance to chop up your opposition with these rapid fire meat cleavers!
Damage: 2/5
Star loss: 1/5
Fire rate: 3/5

f.) Stick of reason: One Strike and they're out! Get in close and take a swing!
Damage: 2/5
Star loss: 4/5
Fire rate: 2/5

g.) Dodgeball: Now it's your turn to be the playground bully! Press the attack button to pick up, throw, and catch. Watch out for rebounding balls
Damage: 0/5
Star loss: 5/5
Fire rate: 1/5

h.) Missile: Send em something to remember you by! Target your opponents and fire!
Damage: 5/5
Star loss: 4/5
Fire rate: 1/5

i.) Freeze gun: I FREEEEEZE YOU! Aim and shoot to immobilize your opponents in ice. Hold down the attack button to push frozen opponents around.
Damage: 0/5
Star loss: 0/5
Fire rate 5/5

j.) Cannon: Great cannonballs of fire! Aim and shoot from a safe distance. Watch out for splash damage and recoil!
Damage: 4/5
Star loss: 4/5
Fire rate: 1/5

k.) Yolk-O-Matic: The chickens have finally come home to roost! Aim and shoot! Watch out for the recoil.
Damage: 2/5
Star loss: 2/5
Fire rate: 5/5

l.) Star mines: Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, how I wonder what you ARRRRGH! Strategically drop these mines for your opponents to step on.
Damage: 3/5
Star loss: 2/5
Fire rate: 4/5


a.) Jeffrey's kitchen:

b.) Christmas Tree:

c.) Can Can A small map that has a small bridge.

Well, now that you saw, want to help?

edited 8×, last 30.04.12 04:20:35 pm