
The other thing is that the uploaders need to accept that not everybody is going to like your work, even if you and some other people consider it "good". I know some people like the RPG LUA scripts for CS2D and I personally hate them.

It doesn't make that much sense Rambo, it's just like the old system. The way it is now, the amount of people who LIKE the file is shown, while the way you propose it to be, the number of people who didn't care or dislike will also be demonstrated, which is not what we want.
Here's an example of why I would like to have the ratio system implemented:
File A is crappy, and has 20 comments, 10 of them are likes
File B is really good, and has 10 comments, all of them are likes
At a glance in the file archive, they both have the same amount of likes, and when I sort by likes, file A could come on top due to them having the same likes, rather than being able to sort by the like to comment ratio to see which is truly a better submission.
Seeing as it's a "like only" system, someone who wants to abuse it can't really impact it negatively because those who don't want to search by the ratio can search by just it's likes.

ratio can search by just it's likes.
A ratio can really show what files people like the most. Personally I like the old system, but w/e can't please everyone.

But who cares, both files have 10 "likes", that means that they are equal.
No it doesn't, it means that 10 people liked both files, nothing more. With the ratio system I could search by which one has a higher like ratio to comments, please read and understand what I typed fully before you post.

However it would look cool to have it show up on

But I can't search by that ratio can I? I can either search only by likes, or comments.
*edit* Also if the ratio of likes to comments system was to be implemented, only the first comment by each unique user (except for the author of the file) would be counted towards the comment ratio.
edited 1×, last 09.11.11 04:45:17 am

note that you would have to eliminate comments from the same author and comments from the file creator. otherwise this ratio wouldn't be correct.
Of course, lol, otherwise the author would be pulling the ratio down with each post as a reply to another reply, and that would be silly

I still maintain that I would love to be able to sort by the ratio in the file archive.
I mean... LOL?!
he received a temp ban for being a stupid asshole. he will receive a longer temp ban if he continues and a full ban forever afterwards.
problem neutralized.

Well, less the "

What would be great is if you get some moderators to rate the files so a user could tell (or at least have an idea) if a file is decent or not so they won't waste they're time downloading and trying out junk. This would also encourage authors of these files to improve they're work. And discourage people from uploading junk.




What about bringing the old system back but with 3 start as lower rating and 6 as higher?
Very good




That's even worse of an idea than my like-to-comment ratio suggestion.