DC Admin
Sounds really cool!
The real ratings (1 - bad, 2 - its okay, 3 - good, 4 - very good, 5 - awesome) wasn't so much important for the most. For the most the rating 2/5 (- its okay) was terrible.
But 2/5 was okay how the name says it.
This rating looks good.
The "Best Uploads (15+ Ratings)" is now changed did you noticed?
Look this (scroll down):
http://www.unrealsoftware.de/files.php I like it, but... it's only here that there are Unreal Software logos everywhere? Good i guess, but it feels like fb now
, but its ok edited 2×, last 07.11.11 04:20:17 pm
SQ Moderator
Comment char. minimum has been removed too! I dont like it no offence.. I like it [pun intended --]
I think there is gonna be a Like-polacy here. "If you like me, I like you
now that map sucks but I like likes" SQ Moderator
That's not really much of a problem, more likes = more activity.
And the website needs it.
I think "likes" with comments "I like it" will be deleted, hmm. edited 2×, last 07.11.11 04:31:56 pm
That's the way aha aha
DC the last changes you made are very good i like it
but one thing can you make it possible to like it without saying something?
Loooser has written
DC the last changes you made are very good i like it
but one thing can you make it possible to like it without saying something?
Alt + 255. Admin/mod comment
you will be banned for a month if you do this Finaly, no more whining around the forums.
next topic detected = Report Revenge No-Likers
Yates has written
Alt + 255.
Alt + 0160 too.
And now the website is not messed up anymore.
Edit: I'll not do this
Admin/mod comment
you'll be ba... okay. I hope so.
SQ has written
"likes" with comments "I like it"
Obvious comment is obvious, nah?
Back in the days when there were ratings, there was revengerating. Now you can't say "darn revengerater!" cause there's nothing to revenge on.. I dont like 'em.
Why? Because,they can't give appearance of file.
If u can see normal ratings,u can judge this file. Nem User
Nice implement, but sadly there is no dislikes, like youtube.
But if there were dislikes, thread 'revenge rating' would live again, but that would be pretty fair imo.
I mean those guys, which upload really dumb file, calling their friends, and they all rate 5/5.
Imo, with only "Like" option, where is not many 'likes', would be hard to see, if the file unpopular, or its crap at all, so you will need to read comments. Simple, but will take a bit more time.
BlazingStan has written
I dont like 'em.
Why? Because,they can't give appearance of file.
If u can see normal ratings,u can judge this file.
So you judge files by their rating? Damn you, don't you have your own opinion? Hurr.. edited. edited 1×, last 07.11.11 08:04:27 pm