
What i think about this new rating system:

you better run now

I must say, Smd Im Solo made my night.
Edit: Uh, ohh.. Too late, people are using it on files now.
edited 1×, last 07.11.11 08:25:05 pm
Why you think its fail or you are scared of what people have to say...and it easiest to close/trash topic..
edited 1×, last 08.11.11 12:01:34 am

I dont like it no offence..

I like it

At a glance I can't tell if a file is good or not - DC, could you edit it a bit so that it has a little extra info? Such as a like-to-comment ratio? Such as:
Name: A gun!
Author: Random User
Like: 10
Com: 20
Ratio: 0.5
Latest Comment: A Troll
So that we could either list in the File Archive by the name of the Author, how many likes it has, comments, or by it's ratio (which would be used as an alternative to the star system which would list the file with the highest ratio of likes to comments - A higher ratio would obviously be higher at the top)

P.S.: My map,

Or make system like on youtube.
It's so annoying I can't even judge a file anymore.

maybe rly add - don't like it and it's will reduce the number of LIKE and if it becomes less than zero - go to minus.
Or make system like on youtube.
Or make system like on youtube.

Or just a I don't like it, but doesn't effect the "I like it". Just shows how many people like it and don't.
It's so annoying I can't even judge a file anymore.
It's so annoying I can't even judge a file anymore.
That's just like the old system and it will revitalize the trolls, and all we fought for will be lost.

That's just like the old system and it will revitalize the trolls, and all we fought for will be lost.
Trolls ? They can be everywhere, even with just "I like it!" function. If troll want's to be a troll, it will be.
As DC said some time before:

there's always a way. welcome to the internet.

Why would you report someone if it doesn't effect the "I like it"?