
Player arrows of invisible players were still visible
Manual positioning didn't work properly with more than 2 net-players
It was possible that the player got stuck in narrow & slopy passages
Turn display did not show the right values sometimes
Clients sometimes didn't receive the map preview image
Synchronity problem caused by fire objects
It was possible to save teams without a name
It was possible to save team members without a name
Game failed to save teams with special characters in their name
In-game sound effects continued to play in the menu
Sometimes wrong team color when hovering a team healthbar
It was possible to get stuck with the raft
Chat input length is not limited by resolution anymore
"Swap" now ends the turn
You have to stand on the ground to be able to use "Swap"
Improved "Upper Cut" and "Brain Punsh" hit zones
Some tweaks for better performance
Improved interface effects
Number of turns per round now doesn't change during a round
Lua projectileid command renamed to getprojectileid (projectileid still working for compatibility)
Lua useweapon command can now decrease the weapon amount multiple times with new param. value 2
Lua playerposition command now accepts floating point numbers instead of just integers
You can now place multiple "buildings" of the same type without re-selecting them after each placement
Sonic Grenade and Ice Grenade now remove nearby fire
Winter removes all fire on the map
(Super) Jet-Pack now uses hudchargebar instead of hudammobar to display remaining fuel amount
Faster multiplayer loading: Lua scripts will only be transmitted if they differ (instead of always)
Game does not use the OS load/save filerequest anymore and doesn't pause when selecting a file
Supply/medikit crates now support movement on x-axis (for manipulation with scripts)
Welcome screen on first start, allowing to change the nick and to create a team
New map format: shape map - allows big maps with very small file size
Maps can now have a background image (see "BG"-button in editor)
Replays (including a replay menu and a replay recording setting)
Multiple teams per player host setting
Warning when running game in program files or temporary folder
Mouse pointer will become transparent when mouse is not moved for a while
Game ender icon in top left corner (when game ender started)
Hotkey Q: Scroll to currently active player
Map height/width text in lobby can be clicked to increase/decrease it
Map "x"-text in lobby can be clicked to reset the map size or to swap height and width
Video and audio settings can now be changed while being in a game
Game will remember the map size setting
New supply/medikit drops are indicated with arrows if out of screen
Weapons can have flags (new optional addweapon command parameter)
Round is highlighted in round/turnbar at top when it changes
Weapon usage stats for each match
Main menu button graphics
Hotseat mode (was possible before but is less confusing now)
Singleplayer missions mode (with several missions to play)
Game now automatically reloads changed Lua scripts in lobby
You can now load/save the host game settings from/in files
You can now place objects in the editor (saved with map)
You can now place spawnpoints in the editor (saved with map)
Random seed value for certain map types can be changed in editor
in-game team chat (by holding CTRL while pressing enter)
Lua Node commands: www.CarnageContest.com/help_cmds.php?cat=nodes
Lua Mission commands: www.CarnageContest.com/help_cmds.php?cat=missions
Lua getterraincolor command (get color of the terrain)
Lua getturn command (get current turn/turn of round/# turns in round)
Lua imagecollision command (check collision between 2 images)
Lua getweaponlist command (get list of all weapons)
Lua getweaponinfo command (get info about weapon)
Lua getweaponcount command (get count of weapon)
Lua setweaponcount command (set count of weapon)
Lua getweaponlock command (check if a weapon is locked)
Lua setweaponlock command (lock/unlock a weapon)
Lua getprojectiletype command (get type of a projectile)
Lua getplayercontrol command (is player controllable?)
Lua keyhit command (has key been hit)
Lua keyrelease command (has key been released)
Lua scripted game enders (see "scripts/Game Enders" folder)
Volume parameter for Lua playsound command
Additional particle effects for some of the buildings
Game ender: Kill random
Game ender: Kill strongest
Game ender: Kill leftmost
Game ender: Kill rightmost
Game ender: Kill topmost
Game ender: Kill bottommost
Game ender: Poison All
Game ender: All 1 HP
Lua scripted game modes (see "scripts/Game Modes" folder)
Game mode: Deathmatch (standard)
Game mode: InstaGib
Game mode: No Damage
Game mode: Best of 1 Round
Game mode: Best of 3 Rounds
Game mode: Best of 5 Rounds
Freeze Gun
Nyan Cat (by Holzchopf)
Warning message about offensive stuff at start

edited 2×, last 24.10.11 10:17:20 pm