Last time it addet and player's were comming now it wont add -.-'

Server wont add
13 replies

Last time it addet and player's were comming now it wont add -.-'
If you did the portforwarding than you failed somewhere else. check it again and let your friends connect with ip. Also how did you check its not in server list ?

is your server ip address listed at
but why other ppl cant connect
you failed to setup your firewall and router. the list is not the problem! this is covered in the FAQ and 1 mio threads as well.

Omg do you really have to talk so rude >.>

yes sv_lan is off and i readet that what DC sed i did ewrything still not in the list
i already port forwarding

DC Thank you now i know why my server cant add in serverlist or players cant connect cause my Firewall and Router its not balance my firewall wont added in exeptions of CS2D and my router not adjust
i already port forwarding
and my server now add in serverlist 
i already port forwarding

Off topic?