Unreal Software
Set language bug
Set language bug
7 replies Hi all,
I don't know if anyone else has this happening to them, but I find that the language is being set to German without me choosing to do so, I doubt I have been accidentally clicking on it as it happens even when I am clicking 'Submit' when replying to/creating threads.
Not sure if this would happen to be a bug on Unreal Software's side or on my browsers side.
Danny. It has happened to me. I just ignore it and change language to English. As i do with all the bugs i find in this website. Yeah, it is a fairly easy to ignore bug, but if it is there it should at least be fixed, am I right? Since the language is being set using a "get" method (the language is added to the url), is it possible that you somehow follow links with set_lan=de in them? Yeah, I know that, hence why I'm confused as to whether is is a browser-side bug or a server-side bug. DC Admin
the language setting is saved in a cookie. maybe your cookie settings somehow discard the saved cookie after a while. I don't know.
I don't understand why submitting a post/thread seems to delete/change this cookie in your case. pretty weird
DC what is the cookie's time to live? It should be just be forever right?
@Banaan get...from where? I doubt DC uses a database to store user languages. DC Admin
the TTL of the cookie is set to 90 days but it is auto re-newed whenever you visit the page.
so you should only lose this setting if you don't visit this website for more than 3 months.
if you keep having have trouble with that: delete all your unrealsoftware.de cookies, close the browser completely, re-open and try again.