
Premium Hosting
32 repliesI don't know of any other ones, since WFWGaming stopped hosting... I think.
Perhaps you could just buy a VPS, you can host several CS2D servers off a single VPS, however you need to do all the setup yourself. I would reccomend ( it's in German, however, and if you can't speak it I would suggest using google toolbar's translator, it should be fairly easy to read )
"e-Quality CS2D Servers" ist nothing more then an unregistered small server hosting that claims that its has a good server and 300 Gbit bandwidth which is total small company in the world would get 300 gbits of bandwidth.
also "e-Quality CS2D Servers" isn´t registered as a company which makes it unsafe for you to pay since you CANT be sure you´ll get what they promise you.
if you would buy at a registered Company you would have 14 retire right which means you´ll get your money back if you´re not fine with the product!
I have played in several server hosted by e-Quality and they are all very decent. All I was doing was giving my personal recommendation.
EDIT: btw, when you say bandwidth, you are talking speed, correct? Well, AFAIK, dedicated-/virtual-dedicated-servers can have backbone connections of 300GBits/s.

You seem to be not well informed.
"e-Quality CS2D Servers" ist nothing more then an unregistered small server hosting that claims that its has a good server and 300 Gbit bandwidth which is total small company in the world would get 300 gbits of bandwidth.
also "e-Quality CS2D Servers" isn´t registered as a company which makes it unsafe for you to pay since you CANT be sure you´ll get what they promise you.
if you would buy at a registered Company you would have 14 retire right which means you´ll get your money back if you´re not fine with the product!
"e-Quality CS2D Servers" ist nothing more then an unregistered small server hosting that claims that its has a good server and 300 Gbit bandwidth which is total small company in the world would get 300 gbits of bandwidth.
also "e-Quality CS2D Servers" isn´t registered as a company which makes it unsafe for you to pay since you CANT be sure you´ll get what they promise you.
if you would buy at a registered Company you would have 14 retire right which means you´ll get your money back if you´re not fine with the product!
What?! The only one talking non-sense here is YOU. e-Quality is a great hosting company, their servers hardly ever lag. have you even tried it? If not, then don't talk bull, please.
Although he is talking some crap, I do believe he is correct in saying that e-Quality isn't a registered company, but considering it is so small there really is no need for it.

@Sunny Autumn:
Although he is talking some crap, I do believe he is correct in saying that e-Quality isn't a registered company, but considering it is so small there really is no need for it.
Although he is talking some crap, I do believe he is correct in saying that e-Quality isn't a registered company, but considering it is so small there really is no need for it.
It isn't registered indeed. Banaan said so, at least.

also "e-Quality CS2D Servers" isn´t registered as a company which makes it unsafe for you to pay since you CANT be sure you´ll get what they promise you.
You'll get a toilet brush.
But anyway, he is right about the unregistered shit.

EDIT: btw, when you say bandwidth, you are talking speed, correct? Well, AFAIK, dedicated-/virtual-dedicated-servers can have backbone connections of 300GBits/s.
thats right but this back bone bandwidth is used by thousands of root server so you can´t claim that one company gets those! also there is no hardware to support 300gbits of bandwith for just one server!
thanks for such a nice critic its like the best one i´ve ever heard.

I do believe he is correct in saying that e-Quality isn't a registered company, but considering it is so small there really is no need for it.
in europe its illegal to NOT register a company if you´re selling products or are selling services.

However, if one is renting a VPS from a company that is based on a cloud that covers an entire datacentres hardware ( which is possible, btw, it also increases the number of VPS one can handle ) it is possible to use the full 300Gbit/s thing, provided that there is a ig enough gap in the traffic.
And I can't argue with you about European law as I myself life in the darkest of Africa ( black as the night, if you know what I mean ).
Lets settle this once and for all shall we?
eQuality is a 1 man's business that does not have a sufficiently large turnover to be able to registered in the Dutch Chamber of Commerce. Since my brother is underaged and falls (far) beneath the maximum profit margin he is not obliged to pay taxes over the few euros he makes with his 'company'.
You accuse him of being untrustworthy, which is a cheap insult of his credibility because there has not been a single person who hasn't got his server in the year he has been hosting. Furthermore I highly doubt that, if I were not to receive a server from your service Roni, I could get my money back from the German authorities.
I think it is great that you two have some competition in the cs2d server market. But I do not appreciate the way you handle this at all.
So stop trying to scare my brother out of the business with threatening emails. Stop blackening him on public forums and stop accusing him ungroundedly. If your servers are really that much better and Banaan so untrustworthy than let the free market do its job and stop with this slander.
First of all, would Roni mind to explain where he got the 300 Gbit from? For I know nothing about that.
And, like I've said a dozen times before, I went to the Dutch chamber of commerce, they told me I could not register because of the small scale. So would you please stop whining about me "not taking the time"?
Indeed, e-Quality provides shit hosting compared to the big, professional companies. Yet it's cheaper, easier and with actual personal support. If you really want good hosting, buy your own fully dedicated server.
There is indeed no certainty whatsoever that you will get what you offered; you'd have to take a little risk (like I did when buying servers from Roni). If you don't want to take any risk, go to a professional company and pay $5 per slot. Your choice.
As has been said before, there is no "Premium Hosting" for this game, which is understandable. Yet CS2D servers don't need 1000 FPS, like CS servers seem to do from time to time. Trustworthiness is the greatest issue here, and many people have already found out that humanity might not be as bad as they expected it to be.
And finally a short note to oxytamine: Could you please try to write a single post without any negativity? It'd make the day a lot brighter. Thank you.
// EDIT: Threatening e-mails?

@TonyKhawok I don't recall you even buying one of the servers so your pronounced opinion is slightly remarkable. Not to mention the accusation of Banaan being a toilet cleaner...
somehow i misremebered the right number but still its not even possible for you to get this high anmount of bandwidth since this would need special equipemnt and a special contract also no hoster would du such a contract with a single person.
you dont get the money from german authorities.
any germany company that acts need to give the customer their money back if they retire from a contract within 14 days!
if a company doesnt do this they get huge problems.

And finally a short note to oxytamine: Could you please try to write a single post without any negativity? It'd make the day a lot brighter. Thank you.
Hey, I love you, bro! You're the man, man, I like you a lot! Now hug me, bro. Please. I want you to hug me.

Hello. I'm Tamine. Oxy Tamine.
Oxytamine, when DC banned you, he did it for a reason. Do us all a favour and just fuck off already. Grow up and get out. ( and do you honestly think referring to me as a child is going to offend me? I know my age perfectly well, thanks. )
Look, dude, a lot of datacentres use green energy and therefore if Banaan's dedi-/v-server ( not sure which... ) is in one then he can say - without breaking any laws on falsified claims - that the servers are run on green energy. And usually the backbone refers to the actual datacentres bandwidth, however I'm not entirely sure is that is what Banaan was refering to where he said these claims you specified. ( where, may I ask, did you actually find this info? )

( where, may I ask, did you actually find this info? )
German Laws.
Google for "Handelsgesetzbuch"
At least i think its written down there.

@ToneyKhawok ( second/third account ):
Oxytamine, when DC banned you, he did it for a reason. Do us all a favour and just fuck off already. Grow up and get out. ( and do you honestly think referring to me as a child is going to offend me? I know my age perfectly well, thanks. )
Oxytamine, when DC banned you, he did it for a reason. Do us all a favour and just fuck off already. Grow up and get out. ( and do you honestly think referring to me as a child is going to offend me? I know my age perfectly well, thanks. )
You're mad, bro? Don't know why you're mad at me, you're man, man. I've never referred to you as a child, huh? I thought we were friends, anyway.

Do us all a favour
You know, if I had no friends here, I would never come back here. But I've got some. And I thought you were one of 'em, really.
Never mind, but I've never wanted to offend you. You guys are being more suspicious to each other nowadays.

Perhaps you could just buy a VPS, you can host several CS2D servers off a single VPS, however you need to do all the setup yourself. I would reccomend ( it's in German, however, and if you can't speak it I would suggest using google toolbar's translator, it should be fairly easy to read )
he dont has to use a translator. S4Y has englisch language, too

they have german and europe englisch
Nobody likes someone who honks on the way you do.
Thinks, but that wasn't what I was referring to.

What I was looking for was the whole eco-friendly/bandwidth stuff, as I feel as though I have seen it before but can't remember exactly where

EDIT: @Pyrocracker:
Omg, seriously!? I spent like two hours trying to read all of that stuff ( my german is pretty poor, I need as much practise as possible