
Help me pls
12 replies

Don-Toblerone has written
I would stop posting pictures guys.

Asdrden has written
what, when i throw in my cs2d and lunch its no NPC !!
Throw your cs2d? LOL....
When you throw your CS2D and eat your lunch, the CS2D is not an NPC?

Danikah has written
When you throw your CS2D and eat your lunch, the CS2D is not an NPC?
When you throw your CS2D and eat your lunch, the CS2D is not an NPC?
LOL no...i think he's suppose to turn cs2d into his lunch after he throws it....
Don-Toblerone has written
I would stop posting pictures guys.
I would stop visiting this forum, if I were you.
TheOn1yLefT has written
I found He's photo on FaceBook
I guess you found my comment on a file. CONGZ.
Dont copy my stuffs.