SmileSoldier has written

ok...uhh...i liked the old one better. It was more like Unreal Software and less...purple...
How dare you oppose a feminist viewpoint, that is clearly a violation of the international ethics standards.
I for one welcome the soon-to-be flood of female visitors to our humble website, in fact I believe that a site-wide effort to educate our young members on the social etiquettes required for interacting with the opposite sex will be very fruitful, while older members should study up on various techniques that will inadvertently lessen the strain on hormonal teenage girls passing through the website.
These include a wide variety of subjects such as "ENGL 213: 4 syllable pickup-lines", "PSYCH 101: staring awkwardly", "PSYCH 203: psychological inhibitions of prolonged conversations", "CS 120: 1337-5p34k 101", "MATH 205: 100 digits of pi and more, a contemporary study of successful partying", "PHIL 102: female greek politicians, a study in nihilism", and most importantly, "PE 231: Fixed Action Patterns - ing"