Router server problems
Router server problems
3 replies Well, my friend just had a problem creating server, because now he have a router connection, so he asked to me for creating this thread, here is what he say'd:
I was already starting my server with a routed internet, and, somehow i lost the connection with the router and only my brother had connection.
I just changed the modem, now it's the D-Link (something like the TP-Link), it's a modem like the one that got the problem, but a new one.
The internet came back to my computer, but now i just can't open the server.
Well, can someone help? We are making a clan, so we want to open the clan server, but with this problem we can't
J4x User
Try to forward the ports, also check if the firewall isn't blocking cs2d. I've a D-Link myself, and I think your model has almost the same config.
Just go to in your browser, if prompted login and password - login by default should be admin, password field should be empty. Then look for 'Advanced' or 'Port Forward', depends on your modem control panel's UI. Forward the ports and you're done.
Firewall shouldn't be blocking CS2D unless you blocked it, but still have a look at it. I got a Belkin router.
To solve the issue with CS2D permanently, just put your computer's IP in the DMZ(demilitarized zone) within the router and you're set. Simply type ipconfig in the cmd(command prompt) and look for your IPv4 IP-address it should look like this (or similar) after you seen it copy it and paste it in your router and allow the cs2d port(which is: 36963) and select UDP(user datagram protocol), or "Both" as in TCP+UDP, I have "Both" and it works great. If you manage to do this then you will be able to host servers, join servers, without any problem. 
Personally I had to set up virtual server+exception in firewall in order to allow connection to CS2D.
To access your router settings you would need the router IP for your router. it's usually accessed through a IP sort of like this (or similar) it depends on your router model.