
Only after that will we be able to focus on the mapping and lua scripts for a final release and possible future port as a stand alone mod.
And as the old saying goes it will be done when its done

Again we will release an open beta once we get all of the GFX and sounds finished. We may or may not also release a couple beta maps as well. More or less once my pack is finished i will release the open beta as my pack is a total replacement pack.
Only after that will we be able to focus on the mapping and lua scripts for a final release and possible future port as a stand alone mod.
And as the old saying goes it will be done when its done
We have lives too ya know and we are making this mod for free with limited resources and help.
Only after that will we be able to focus on the mapping and lua scripts for a final release and possible future port as a stand alone mod.
And as the old saying goes it will be done when its done

So what do you waiting for?I can tell you how to get Half life opposing force sounds and stuff...
The last

My pack is a total GFX and SFX conversion of CS2D + 1 test map and maybe some basic lua such as a working grenade launcher for the MP5 "P90 replacement" and M4A1 "AK-47 replacement"
I also have to add some more stuff to the pack on account of the new content in the new pre release version of CS2D.
Here is my new revised 3D player its closer to my original BETA CS:S 2D work and it has proper non buggy animation with the weapons.
Oh and BTW this is a BM Security Guard with out his helmet and body armor. His armor and helmet will be added via sprites that will visually act just like the existing CS2D armor but will take damage and function like the stock kevlar armor in CS2D.
Player equipped with other armors set such as the PCV or HEV suit will simply ignore the kevlar armor when running over it & vise versa.

And note this is still a WIP
edited 1×, last 18.01.12 06:09:36 am
Thanks for the new screenshots ...
I see some my skins here and on moddb it makes me happy. Although I would send for Phenixtri much more skins,decals and sounds.
I want to say about the maps and mapping in general ...
Use seamless texture, and the current advice to make textures of all walls seamless.
Try not to stretch the images - they lose their sharpness. It is better to make an one image from the several composite images.
Use Tile blending, use Shadows and light
Use more details(skins,decals and sounds), use weather and no_weather(thx for DC) and other triggers.
And try to do only walls without shadows, and all other obstacle, doors, box, etc with shadows.

When, me and my friend finish Half Life: Deadly Enemies.
I might help you in mapping.

Yea we have no video atm since our lua scriptwriter Starkzz has gone kinda silent for awhile now
I might live stream some of my work and later make a youtube vid out of that. You know skinning, mapping exc.

I'm waiting for pre-alpha version to make the video.
Also, I want to help you, mapping too.

Really is that your awesome skin? Oh my god I guess that's one hell of a WIP you got there.
Because it's better than the real one, no offence.

Yea the problem is that the old one is kinda buged when it comes to armor and what not. As you can see my latest post is trying to recreate the old one minus the bugs.
I made my own template for the armor, I just edited my skin for armor.
(Do this in the whole picture using MS.Paint) Use Ms.Paint - load any armor - image - attributes - 39x32.

Only god knows how long ive been there... i kinda lost track but its time to get back to work & get this mod working as fast as possible.