Why not name the mod Half-Life? - The CS2D is a 2D game so if its gonna be a mod it will be named Half-Life 2D just like all the others!
Why not Half-Life 2 2D? - I dont really like Half-Life 2 over Half-Life 1 but it does not mean that i hate it!
What is this mod gonna have? - All Half-Life Weapons,Monsters,Sounds,Opposing Force Weapons,Opposing Force Monsters!
Why not create a Half-Life mod? - I dont know much about modding in Half-Life becouse there is a lot of stuff you must do: Skins,Sprites,Effects,Scripts,Mapping and etc.
Since im no an expert on LUA scripting i need some help with it.
If you think you can help me with LUA them please send me a privet message me here or contact me on my skype -> Roster312
Or you can contact me on
Me wrote:roster312@mail.ru
Helper List>>>

Lua Scripters:Strakkz,EngiN33R
Map Editors: Phenixtri,Me
Skins/Sprite Editors/Makers: Phenixtri,Me,O-L-A-F,MAX-russia,useigor_rus
HEX Editors : O-L-A-F
**Suggestion list**
This is the suggestion list! You can suggest what we should add/edit/redo/uncut/cut/paste
This will explain if we accept or decline your suggestion

edited 6×, last 01.04.11 07:39:27 pm
Admin/mod comment
Closed due to new topic