
I cant upload..
7 replies

im right its problem with ur internet.
edit: omg its 3 o.0
FN_Nemesis has written
Soryy i dont realize that i triple post this....
same thing happened to me when i had internet explorer.
Download google chrome or firefox to fix it. I perssonaly recomend google chrome becouse it shows the progres of uploading. Firefox is good too but i preffer google chrome.
Have mutch fun with uploading
FN_Nemesis has written
thx for ur answer...
So it doesnt work?
Did you changed the internet or something? Cause if you was able to upload before months than why cant you now?
FN_Nemesis has written
i change to firefox, it works, i think i can´t because i donwloaded IE9 beta and it have errors so that can be the problem.... here is the map http://www.unrealsoftware.de/files_show.php?file=3296
great i am glad to help