He said:
"I agree it's bad , but why do you use such an horrible grammar?
Act nice and don't say bad words without a reason.Cause you don't even know how to make a customized skin for CS:2D." (I only used the asterisks.)
Yorty said: Aye, unreal software... The place where everything is rated 5/5. (Yorty is NOT the flamer!)
Flamer: @ Yorty , and the place where little disturbed kids rate 1/5 (he was referring to the rating i gave him).
One happy faggot. (he said don't cuss but look at this)
I didn't said it is an M4a1 it is an REPLACEMENT FOR M4A1.
You don't even have an ideea what are you talking about.
hmm I never saw you making a gun , have you ever uploaded a gun ?
Give me link I wanna see if you can apply thoose "suggestions"
Thats what he said and that ticked me of REAL bad.

edited 2×, last 21.07.10 06:34:52 am