
World in Conflict
14 replies

Do you have WiC?
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Yes!!! | 6.90% (2) | |
No...:(( | 93.10% (27) |
29 votes cast

Sorry.Name of game is:World in Conflict
DJ-Menj has written
Its good strategy.And graphics is awesome!
so ? ._.
I must go.Bye tommorow.
we are all happy if you re happy (or not)
but you really needed to create a thread abou how you like a game?
there are a lot of games what are a lot better an have a lot better graphics
DJ-Menj has written
OMG.World in Conflict.Understand?
Yes, i understood. anyway i dont care about this game :p
Unfortunately my brother uses the computer to go on the new call of duty, so i'm stuck with my laptop which cant run it

bunnyhop has written
cool for you, tell that to friends if u have, and not to people you don't know, they dont want to know what u like (they dont know you)
You said:This game isnt coll.Did you see trailers or gameplay videos on