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English Hackers, and ways to stop them

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old Hackers, and ways to stop them

User Off Offline

I just wanted to open this topic because today i saw a hacker using respawn hack (respawn anything - yourself - grenades - mines) in cs2d.

I'm kinda angry, because with every update, hacks getting updated too. I should ask this to DC. WHY?

And i saw a anti-cheat a week ago. I didn't tested so i don't know it is working or not... I'm not going to give url because the site also released a hack too.

In summer, people was talking about anti-cheat. What happened to it?

Do we have any open/closed-source anti-cheat system? Is anyone still working on it?

old Re: Hackers, and ways to stop them

Admin On Online

AGAIN a thread about that?

why do they release new cheats? because they are poor people who like to ruin games and they have fun playing unfair.

it's never going to end. there will never be an efficient way to protect against all sorts of cheats/hacks (only if you use onlive to stream the game as video. this would eliminate all kinds of hacks - only aimbots would still work). so we have to live with those idiots

old Re: Hackers, and ways to stop them

User Off Offline

Wait theres no such thing as respawn hack
He must know rcon or could be the admin of the site
there are alot of mistake,mostly by guys who dont know what rcon is

old Re: Hackers, and ways to stop them

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Vibhor has written
mostly by guys who dont know what rcon is

agree, i totaly lold when in some serv's admin equipping something and other write "hacker!" & votekick him. or when you found secret area with cool gun, other call you hacker. that annoying some times.

old Re: Hackers, and ways to stop them

Admin On Online

yeah I also wondered about it when I read it. Freely changing health, position, respawning or equipping stuff SHOULD* be impossible to hack because it is all checked and controlled by the server.
so it SHOULD* only be possible with direct server access or rcon.

*) I can't guarantee that there aren't security vulnerabilities which can be exploited to do it. However I'm rather sure that it is not possible to hack this stuff.

old Re: Hackers, and ways to stop them


I wish CS2D had the "Cheating Death" anti-cheat system, I remember it from Counter-Strike it would check if player who connected uses any cheat software or injections and then it kicks the cheating player. If the cheating player connects again player is immediately VAC banned no exceptions, it also gives chance to appeal. I guess CS2D won't have this, but it's a nice thought.

I seen lots of speedhackers lately. Maybe a anti-cheat could be developed using LUA scripting?

You could use minute hook simply, so it doesn't check every second making server slow.
If player has higher than 30 speedmod then set speedmod -100 and slap slap slap slap every second and show a insulting message to the cheater, I would laugh. It's possible.

old Re: Hackers, and ways to stop them

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KimKat has written
I wish CS2D had the "Cheating Death" anti-cheat system, I remember it from Counter-Strike it would check if player who connected uses any cheat software or injections and then it kicks the cheating player. If the cheating player connects again player is immediately VAC banned no exceptions, it also gives chance to appeal. I guess CS2D won't have this, but it's a nice thought.

Let's make USGN to a gaming software like Steam! :D.

old Re: Hackers, and ways to stop them

User Off Offline

how about CS2D checks for any background program running and kills it?
there could be that CS2D kills any program thats running except CS2D
and then Runs explorer when quited

old Re: Hackers, and ways to stop them

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Vibhor has written
how about CS2D checks for any background program running and kills it?

That would be illegal if I remember right. Programms are not allowed to kill tasks without user permission. But it checks for the "greater" cheat programms like Cheat Engine.

old Re: Hackers, and ways to stop them

Admin On Online

closing all other programs would be just stupid and fucking annoying. moreover it is so totally easy to write a hack that disables that. a bad idea and just waste of time.

I refer to my first answer in this thread. there is no solution which magically kills all hackers/cheaters. stop dreaming.

old Re: Hackers, and ways to stop them

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DC has written
yeah I also wondered about it when I read it. Freely changing health, position, respawning or equipping stuff SHOULD* be impossible to hack because it is all checked and controlled by the server.
so it SHOULD* only be possible with direct server access or rcon.

*) I can't guarantee that there aren't security vulnerabilities which can be exploited to do it. However I'm rather sure that it is not possible to hack this stuff.

I was playing in the zombie server (server located in Turkey). i have 20 ping. The hacker had 250-300 ping when i was playing.

I don't think anyone with 250-300 ping can be admin in a server.

I saw it and i'm really sure about it. He was throwing flashbangs continuously and i already had a flashbang and i threw like he was. And i couldnt throw again.

Later, he started to respawn himself in the SAME POSITION over and over. He was zombie and every time he spawns the red light was coming out of him.

My english isnt good enough. I tried to tell.

And i believe hackers can be stopped. Referring to gunz's anti-cheat (forgot the anti-cheat's name).
edited 1×, last 01.01.10 06:01:15 pm

old Re: Hackers, and ways to stop them

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Blazzingxx has written
You are sure he isn't using Rcon?

I'm not sure about rcon thing. But please tell me do you give rcon password to strangers who have 250+ ping?

old Re: Hackers, and ways to stop them

Alpha Beta
User Off Offline

What about something that checks if the user is running the original binary? That should help against guys who hexedit the CounterStrike2D.exe file. A built-in-md5-checker maybe? Is that even possible?

Anyways, enabling the USGN-users-only-option should help, too...

old Re: Hackers, and ways to stop them

Admin On Online

you think he has no rcon because of the high ping? I think I don't have to comment that.

the server checks how many grenades you have. I'm rather sure that you can't hack it.

@Heavy: this check can be hacked as well. CS2D already had something like that but it didn't help.

old Re: Hackers, and ways to stop them

Alpha Beta
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@Jonzku777: Because all the data is on their servers and it's running on the internet. That's something different then CS2D.
There is almost no Runescape related data on your PC (Only cache - textures, sounds and so on).
Anyways, this is Off Topic

old Re: Hackers, and ways to stop them

User Off Offline

You can only hack and modify files / data that is safed / calculated on your local PC.

Now I guess some stuff related to CS2D:

-You could hack ammo (so no reload required)
-Aimbot (since you just fake your input)
-Change Images so you might be able to get to hidden places
-Enable the Nightvision-View without the item
-Some more stuff
-Damage calculation (maybe)

The rest is server-side.... I guess only.
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