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GTA 4 garbage screen
GTA 4 garbage screen
4 replies Well i got it running
but the problem now is that some cars generate garbage on specific missions
like theres a mission of the playboy X in which i hafta
kill the mafia stuff
but i cant even see him because he is near one of the garbage generating cars
the cars actually generate some 3D pointless rays of shit
that makes seeing him impossible
i blasted myself with a grenade coz i couldn't see whats between the target and me
pls how to fix it? Ah , the popular garbage generating cars , its a bug , just shoot at the car and the garbage is gone.
oh yes , and use grenade to kill the mafia , it contains a halarous explodsion death amination i have killed his goons and destroyed the car
but the garbage is still there
i cant even see now where is the car
is there a fix for it? thers no fix , just blow the garbage high sky , or look ontop ok np i got it
just completed the mission
it seems loading the game again fixes the car but does the same for some people or cars