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Using Portal Gun on Half Life 2?
Using Portal Gun on Half Life 2?
7 replies is that possible to play half life 2 with portal gun? theres no portal gun in Hl2
or there is? yes there is... if you have Hl2 and portal in portal type changemap and choose a Hl2 singleplayer map and wolya type impulse and you have the Pgun so you can use it
Phygun was removed from the latest version of the game But I saw a video where a guy used the portal gun in HL2. You need to put some Portal files to any hl2 folder, but I don't know which ones... thats easy, just move the materials and models of weapons to the hl2 folder, search for scripts in the script folder in portal, and after you have moved/edited/added the Pgun script u just need to type impulse 101 and it will appear,as i know, thats the way but i dont have portal...
i think i should try the demo of portal?