edited 2×, last 08.09.09 11:24:19 pm

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Ps3 | 51.28% (20) | |
Xbox 360 | 35.90% (14) | |
Don't know! | 12.82% (5) |
39 votes cast

anyway i go with xbox 360, i think it has better games, halo 3, Half life 2, I think counter strike and star wars battle front are on it too

SG Master Chief has written
Spartan how dare you! (you've betrayed halo)
anyway i go with xbox 360, i think it has better games, halo 3, Half life 2, I think counter strike and star wars battle front are on it too
anyway i go with xbox 360, i think it has better games, halo 3, Half life 2, I think counter strike and star wars battle front are on it too
well i love the XBOX but PS3 is better in my eyes. I will always love both.
and i play Halo for PC

But ps3 wins for free online
and ease of use
In other words, Xbox 360 wins.
No just joking, your choice.
spartan029 has written
lol. but it is true. XBOX may have better hardware but PS3 online is free.
what in the world!
PS3 wins for better hardware I do believe (someone back me up)
Really when you think about it though the best noob-filter for games is to make people pay for them. Take the difference of say...Endless Online and EVE Online. Unless people beg their parents, they are not playing until they mature a bit more.
but even though that might be true PS3 is awesome in my eyes
Personally from my time on online mmos, I figure the intelligence of an AI bot is becoming comparable to that of a humans.
Online play in the race for better console doesn't even matter to me now!
-Sees you= Attack- to
-Sees you= Get cover, maybe find some friends, beat the shit out of you-
I love the AI now-a-days

Mod-_er_- has written
can you check your achievment on a XBOX 360?
umm. yes. but would change the vote for you? really?