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3rd Person Speak Party
3rd Person Speak Party
5 replies It is getting popular in the forum - the 3rd Person Speak. And so on, this topic is a Party (!?)for it. 
Hooray to the 3rd Person.
Thank you Spartan-029 for this new and wonderful speak.
P.S.: Bye bye L33T Speak!
So - Xt3ND3d and Spartan-029 use it, anyone more?
Xt3ND3d doesn't like anti-3rd Person peeps. They are mean.
SG Master Chief might try it for some time. First, five people is NOT popular. Second i will tell you what happen.
1. This thread will be closed because spamming.
2. 3rd person speaking will be forbidden like leet-speak.
So just stop it now. spf, we don't care. You don't make any difference, only Mods. So if we are breaking a rule, you are too. Read the rules, specially the "Don't behave like a Moderator".
It aplies to you.
Xt3ND3d thinks it's getting popular. Im not acting like a mod, i am telling you my 1st person opion. DC Admin
time to end this dumb party.
it is annoying. I'll ban people for that. so you better stop it.