01110111011010000110000101110100 001000000110100101110011 001000000110110101111001 0010000001110101011100110110010101110010 001000000110111001100001011011010110010100111111

Binary question
13 replies

01110111011010000110000101110100 001000000110100101110011 001000000110110101111001 0010000001110101011100110110010101110010 001000000110111001100001011011010110010100111111
I don't understand this shit , nor i want to.
And that's not the way to express you "knowledge"...
BTW: awesome new look lenz
I tell the solution to you all if spartan029 gives the OK, OK?
edited 1×, last 28.08.09 02:15:57 am

BTW : My sig and ava are nothing compared to the guys from DeviantArt..
EDIT : Yeh.. so i translated it , but i don't play stranded anymore..
edited 1×, last 28.08.09 10:39:38 am
Besides, Your binary-code should be spaced

spartan029 answered me. My solution was correct. I was first btw.
I think it's about time to make the solution public:
edited 1×, last 28.08.09 09:43:26 pm
I know what it meens!
talls has written
I know what it meens!
oh , you are so kewl..

"what is my user name?" = 01110111011010000110000101110100 001000000110100101110011 001000000110110101111001 0010000001110101011100110110010101110010 001000000110111001100001011011010110010100111111
And I don't want your reward for Stranded cause I don't play that. I give reward to Kiffer-Opa in that case lol.

edited 1×, last 05.09.09 03:34:53 pm