Try to follow these rules:
1. It has to include you in the picture, timestamps would be nice.
2. One post (with pictures) per user. Up to 3 pictures per post. We are not here to create an online photo album.
3. They don't have to be a self-portrait, find a picture of you doing something interesting/fun!
4. If you don't like the idea of such a thread, then no complaining, please.
5. Forum image rules apply as usual.
6. If you have something random to say for each picture, by all means say it.
I'll start it off...
http://i715.photobucket.com/albums/ww160/redmonky91/P1020788.jpg Me looking like an emo git.
http://i715.photobucket.com/albums/ww160/redmonky91/warpedtour24.jpg Me and my bestie at Warped Tour

http://i715.photobucket.com/albums/ww160/redmonky91/oooitsap90.jpg Me thinking I'm cool with that airsoft gun.
Kiffer Opa's reply to this thread http://www.unrealsoftware.de/forum_posts.php?post=135159&start=0 (bottom of page 2) inspired me to do this, thanks