While I`ve added some minor stuff, absolute most of content is that of Stranded itself. My alterations chiefly revolved around mechanics and descriptions. Bulk of cosmetic improvements lies in the description of objects in the inventory - and introduction of diary, where player character comments on major improvements in their life (aka, getting stranded and getting a level in some skill).
Among major changes - I`ve added construction skill, and more advanced tasks like hut or crossbow won`t be available until player gains some measure of proficiency in building. I`ve done my best to balance out construction leveling to avoid choking up, but... your mileage may vary. Do fire off a comment if something seems way off.
Some of the less plausible objects, like golden bow or crystal sword, were buried out of gameplay - while they are still present in resources, obtaining them without cheating now would be quite less then likely. Some other objects and buildings had their functions expanded - for example, iron can be stored at rock storage now. Bottles, for instance, do play a bigger role. (Hint-hint - conserve them, they are useful.)
I`ve provided a handy install script in the distribution package. To use it, simply unpack the file you`re about to download into the root folder of your game (where strandedII.exe is), and launch Install.bat
If you are wary or simply like the DIY approach, go into mods/, make a copy of Stranded II/ folder, name it Paradise and unrar the archive paradise.rar over it. It will overwrite sys/ folder and add some stuff to gfx/, and you`re all set. Files unrar.exe and install.bat are safe to erase off the get-go in that case.
After the installation is done in either way, launching Paradise.bat in root directory will get you into mod.
To the best of my knowledge, I haven`t used any other mods in this and all resources come straight from Stranded II itself. However, if I`m mistaken and you find some stuff from other mods there, do notify me so I could give due credit.
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