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English Devkit >

4 comments54 kb, 498 Downloads

old Devkit

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This kit allows you to

• investigate different settings for particles
• play around with decals (as used to draw craters)
• modify terrain as you like
• see the different effects of terrainexplosion
• and do some measurements
and all that ingame. So you can easily find the right parameters for the effects of your weapons without to modify the .lua and restart the round all over and over again

The menu is completely controlled by the arrow keys, the spacebar and sometimes by mouse (when placing particles, painting or measuring).

Whilst active, your turn won't end. So you either have to change weapon or use the built-in end turn feature

To use it, you have to unzip the archive and put the Devkit somewhere in your weapon set. Although it is a "weapon" script, I refuse to put it in that section, because this tool does not have any tactical application. And so hear my advice: Never play online with Devkit in your set - it'll kill all the fun.

Update, 15 sep 2013
• added sounds
• improved controls
edited 1×, last 15.09.13 02:43:24 pm
Approved by DC

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54 kb, 498 Downloads


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This is similar to GMOD .
I like it!


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Very usefull Tool and Great idea
I like it!
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