Lion Replacementbarbosa User Offline 19.08.11 12:25:19 am this is my second model for stranded II mod dir. and... yes! it's a lion, and it move. Approved by Seekay (04.12.15 01:36 pm) Download 336 kb, 1,130 Downloads
Stranded_Guy2910 User Offline 30.09.11 07:50:47 pm It's very nice, but when I kill the lion it just stop without a die animation. 4/5 I like it!edited 1×, last 08.10.11 09:53:23 pm
Jawohl User Offline 07.09.11 08:59:44 am heard about your "s2 evolved" today since then i LOVE your work 100000000000000000000000000000000000/5 I like it!
I love it!SlyCooperReloadCoded User Offline 05.09.11 06:36:49 pm This is the most advanced lion model I've ever seen! 5 stars! I like it!
HudaJan Super User Offline 20.08.11 04:21:35 am @Assassin moder 1. No it doesn't, it looks much better (look at the video in about 3:00 ) 2. What are you suggesting? That barbosa stole it? 3. Why the rating so low (it's your business, I'm just asking) ? I like it!
Lion_Hearted User Offline 19.08.11 01:19:18 am Your doing an amazing job! Are you somehow a professional? I like it!
secritek User Offline 19.08.11 12:41:27 am another nice model what about turtle replacement cool I like it!