monkey replacementbarbosa User Offline 18.08.11 03:10:17 pm more realistic monkey model for stranded II that i made. Approved by Seekay (04.12.15 01:37 pm) Download 457 kb, 1,218 Downloads
ModJuicer Super User Offline 04.04.18 05:29:05 am the monkey is awesome. Could you make a claw monkey to match? I like it!
KiRa_3 User Offline 19.03.12 12:10:57 pm Wow I can't believe that monkey can carry his head,anyway... Nice and Awesome Upload i suppose. I like it!
Cute!SlyCooperReloadCoded User Offline 05.09.11 06:34:54 pm This is so cute! I just put this in the game, and it rocks! I love the eyes! I like it!
Assassin moder User Offline 19.08.11 11:21:38 pm Very good! You are good animator maybe you can help me in my mod... I like it!
Monkey Updated versionbarbosa User Offline 19.08.11 04:13:23 pm the monkey model have been updated with idle animations and death animation also include monkey carrier to done by HudaJan. thanks HudaJan. now it looks more awsome.
ohaz User Offline 19.08.11 07:47:50 am Looks really great! The big head makes it get the stranded2 style. Perfect I like it!
HudaJan Super User Offline 19.08.11 02:20:30 am Download it and look at the moving animation, it's really amazing! I like it!
buraxia3 User Offline 19.08.11 12:28:42 am best money ever i saw Ahahaha im still laughing I like it!
HudaJan Super User Offline 18.08.11 07:17:29 pm Thank you, of course it will be for Stranded, don't worry. I will give you credits for it and I'll put your model in separate folder named by you I like it!
Request to use the modelbarbosa User Offline 18.08.11 07:04:19 pm it would be my pleasure yes, you can use the model for your prepared mod for the stranded related game only.
HudaJan Super User Offline 18.08.11 06:08:02 pm As I already wrote, I love it. Could we use the model in our prepared mod? I like it!
Animation Fixbarbosa User Offline 18.08.11 03:25:55 pm I forgot to put The animation on the "Readme file" just add these line on the "unit.inf" at the "### Monkey" section: "ani_move=1,9,0.3"