Ufo AcademyHudaJan Super User Offline 30.07.11 01:57:57 am Minigame (better Tinygame ) which shows you how does it work at universities of distant galaxies The opponents skills are based on random variables so the difficulty changes each time you play edited 1×, last 30.07.11 05:18:19 am Approved by DC (02.12.15 10:17 pm) Download 39 kb, 941 Downloads
ModJuicer Super User Offline 28.06.22 01:50:40 am It gives the other player 2-3 points per sheep in my experience, making winning nearly impossible.
=DKiRa_3 User Offline 30.07.11 08:09:40 am =/ sometimes in my stranded II when i go to my desktop and return back to Stranded II the color suddenly change to different =D because the stranded II i was downloaded was not complete I like it!