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English de_polar by Valor >

13 comments134 kb, 495 Downloads

old de_polar by Valor

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Uhm.. what to say. It's a snow map with tiles made by me and stuff. de_polar is the name I gave it, cause I thought about snow > north pole > polar. yea..

It has 2 bombspots lol. 3, depending on how you look at it. Designed to play 6v6 with FOW on, it's still untested however. can play how you want on this map, fow on/off, zombies, construction, w/e.

√ To play it
√ Host on your server
× To copy/steal it.
× To use the sprites and tiles (until I edit this saying you can, yeah I dislike it when people do). Unless you do something to drastically change one of them.

Rates, comments, and that stuff is appreciated

edited 1×, last 15.07.11 10:58:57 am
Approved by Sparty

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134 kb, 495 Downloads


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This upload needs more likes/downloads~ great work both gfx and gameplay wise. I so badly want to play it. Anyway you could remove one of the northern bombspots they are so close to each other that each could be considered an extension to the other one.
This is your best map so far, it would be a pity not advertising it. (tip: upload stuff during weekend)
I like it!


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awesome keep it up my friend
I like it!


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Wow nice map 5/5 Good job
I like it!


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I like this map, I played on it with you valor.
Awesome map.
I like it!


Shotty Balle
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I'm sure that i'll. We integrated the mapchange stuff of the HC script so it's no problem.
I like it!


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Uhm to answer questions you might or not see..
Yeah, I liked the truck too.
Read the de_polar.txt file to see a background story
If only they were in this map
Stoney tiles, no sweat. I'd rather use that than putting shadows in the stairs and it's easier to show it's an obstacle that way. I like my roof actually, everyone is using 1 or 2 of the same thing these days, so why not make my own. Truck is broken, so it's on 4 wooden boxes lol. I went through 4 different versions of this map before I was done lol.. not making a 2nd.
ty, and how can you not like snow
the green is part of my radar, i'm used to it by now
@Shotty Balle
I love crates, but more crates in the middle makes it feel like a smaller map, which I didn't want. Yeah distortion fx came to me after a bit, and it looked cool. It'd be cool if you could use it on your server lol


Soul King
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lol i like truck xd it goes away when i like. gameplay look nice too. i download looks like 5/5
I like it!


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why do terrorists wanna bomb the pole? save the bears and penguis ='(
I like it!


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Layout, gameplay and main idea is awesome. However I dislike the 'stoney' tiles used for stairs and the one used for obstacles, roofs look kinda weird too but that's 'acceptable'. I REALLY loved that effect on the wires and the southern bombspot is really well 'designed' but what the hell is that truck on CT base? Doesn't make suck sense cause it looks like it's on top of the wall and when you hit it to make it explode it's wooden-made ? <.<'
Still, I loved the map, maybe a 2nd version would be better
I like it!


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Very good map, man! Really good. Even if I don't like snow so much, it's awesome.
I like it!


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Cute,and awesome

I have to ask
wtf is that green on your screen?

thats horribleee(etc Too many identical letters in a row!),and make's the gameplay hard
I like it!


Shotty Balle
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I downloaded this map.
This map is really awesome!
I ilke the icecold tiles, nice details and a good layout.
Funny idea to simulate electricity with the distortion FX on the cable tiles. Maybe there should be some more crates in the middle of the map.
All in one i really like this map, no quantitative s**t.
I'll think about using it on my server.
I like it!
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